IX. NATIONAL SPA MEDICINE AND BALNEOLOGY CONGRESS and “THERMAL SPA TRAINING” for the managers and personnel of thermal and SPA resorts shall be held between April 12th and April 14th, 2010 at the premises of Kozaklý DIVAISIB Thermal Resort Hotel & Spa.
At the congresses we organize at national level with regard to Thermal medicine and Balneology / Hydroclimatology, we present and discuss the national and international scientific developments and studies in the field of spa and thermal medicine.
The program of the IX. National Spa Medicine and Balneology Congress shall consist of free communiqués and the conferences of the invited speakers. In the section of free communiqués, some of the medical and technical scientific studies and researches carried out in the field of spa medicine and balneology shall be presented. Furthermore, scientists constituting the Scientific Committee who are specialists in their fields and subjects shall be sharing their current scientific knowledge with the participants.
The language of the congress is Turkish.
But the sessions attended by foreign speakers shall be held in English.
For more details please visit the Internet address of the congress
http://www.balneoloji2012.org/eng/default.asp >>