Dear Colleagues and Friends,
I forward you the message from Prof. Christian-François Roques-Latrille concerning the postponement of the 45th ISMH Congress initially expected to June 18-20 in Dax.
After a phone call meeting gathering Prof. Christian-François Roques-Latrille (President of the Congress) , Prof. Marco Vitale (representing the Italian Organization of the 46th Congress, initially expected to 2021), Prof. Francisco Maraver (as President of the Spanish Society of Medical Hydrology, in order to reconcile joint Spanish and Portuguese congresses scheduled for upcoming dates) and myself as ISMH President, it was decided:
1) to postone the Dax Congress to 2021 (please read Prof. Roques message below)
2) to postpone also the 46th ISMH Congress to 2022 (initially expected to Italy 2021)
ISMH praises and expresses its appreciation for the way in which this meeting took place and for the ease with which this agreement was reached, in a demonstration of the healthy cooperation between the various countries and scientific societies represented in it.
Sincerely yours,
Pedro Cantista,
ISMH President
"Dear Colleagues and Friends,
The evolution in France and worldwide of Covid 19 pandemia, a lasting public health and life-threatening issue, has led us to delay the Congress.
With the ISMH president and board we did agree to
postpone the Dax Congress in June 2021.
From the end of the containment period we’ll be able to give more information and
the final date in June 2021 will be announced in mid-September 2020.
I engage all of you to continue to have a regular look to the
website of the Congress for more and regular information.
My very best and friendly regards.
President of the 45th ISMH CONGRESS Organizing Committee"