Pr. Gelu ONOSE, Assoc.Prof. Olga SURDU, Assoc. Prof. Constantin MUNTEANU have been commissioned by the ISMH Executive Board to organize the ISMH 47th World Congress CONSTANTA (Romania), 2024 May 23-25
The International Society of Medical Hydrology and Climatology 47th World Congress will be held in Romania, Techirghiol Balneal Resort, between May the 23rd – 25th, 2024.
The participants are asked to announce up to December 15th 2023 their intention to participate at 47th ISMH Congress (email office@bioclima.ro showing author’s name and title of the paper).
Abstract submission deadline has been extended to 28th of April 2024
- natural therapeutic factors with products (natural mineral water, peloids/muds, gases)
- mechanism of action of therapeutic factors;
- methodology of investigation;
- actual medical benefit in musculoskeletal, dermatological diseases, metabolic conditions, ageing, neurologic conditions, respiratory diseases, cardio-vascular conditions, post-cancer, stress related disorders, etc.);
- therapeutic use of natural elements (thalassotherapy, hydrotherapy/balneotherapy, halotherapy, drinking mineral waters, …);
- balneology for post-COVID conditions;
- rehabilitation using natural therapeutic factors including rehabilitation in burns;
- balneotherapy in children;
- balneology and climate changes;
- economy, management, ...
Arrival: Fly to Bucharest Henri Coanda International Airport or fly to Constanta Mihail Kogalniceanu International Airport.
Transfer from Bucharest airport to Techirghiol:
- by train – from airport to Bucharest North Railway station, continuing to Constanta Railway Station and Techirghiol (4 hrs) (10- 25 €) (recommended);
- Renting a car (a lot of possibilities);
- by bus - airport – Techirghiol (4-5 hrs);
- by minibus – Airport – Techirghiol - at participants` request;
Transfer from Constanta airport to Techirghiol: by minibus at participants` request;
Venue/Congress location:
Techirghiol Sanatorium Conference Room (scientific and E-poster sessions).
Accommodation in hotels and villa in Techirghiol.
ISMH Congress participation fee for members:
Early registration up to February 15th-125 €
February 16th – May 20th 200 €
May 20th up to the end of congress – 250 €
ISMH Congress participation fee for non- members
Early registration up to February 15th - 200 €
February 16th – May 20th 275 €
May 20th up to the end of congress – 325 €
Congress website: https://bioclima.ro/ISMH2024.php
Congress Registration: https://bioclima.ro/Congres2024.php
Abstract Submission: https://bioclima.ro/ABSTRACT2024.php
Start: 2024.05.23.
End: 2024.05.25.
Venue: Romania, Constanca,
The event's web page: https://bioclima.ro/ISMH2024.php
ISMH World CongressDear Colleagues and Friends,
due to the ongoing global situation, the 46th ISMH World Congress has been postponed to October 2022.
The new dates are: OCTOBER, 19-21, 2022
Address by the Presidents:
On behalf of the International Society of Medical Hydrology (ISMH) we would like to invite you all to join us in Salsomaggiore Terme (Italy) and participate to our Congress. This important scientific event will be organized by ISMH in collaboration with the newborn Italian Society of balneology (SIMeTer) and the support the Italian Foundation for balneological research (FoRST).
The meeting will take place October 19-21, 2022 in the city of Salsomaggiore Terme, Emilia Romagna, Italy.
From the early XIX° century Salsomaggiore Terme has been a most renowened ville d’eaux of the many that can be counted in Italy, with its elegant houses decorated with Liberty, Dèco and Secession motifs.
The explosion of chronic diseases urgently poses to contemporary medicine the issue of reinforcing primary and secondary prevention, contrasting chronicity and facing polypathology. Hospitals of the near future will be primarily focused on acute patients, while a well-organized network of not-hospitalized medical healthcare facilities will guarantee the necessary integrated approach to the Patient, from prevention to rehabilitation. Balneology provides the benefit of integrated health maintenance, therapy and recovery. As we all know, medicine is experiencing an unprecedented expansion in scientific knowledge, mainly fueled by personalized molecular medicine. Today we, as scientists active in the balneological field, are giving to our discipline the rapidly growing scientific evidences that will place future balneology in the unique position of having a long-standing medical tradition and a solid scientific evidence at the same time.
We strongly believe that this is our mandate, and that the ISMH Congress is the privileged place for our scientific discussions. With this deep awareness, we have been facing the unexpected and dramatic events of a war at the end of a pandemics, which made our organization difficult causing a delay, for which we here apologize. We are however sure that our efforts to keep with the original schedule will be rewarded by your valuable presence in Salsomaggiore Terme next October.
More details, registration on the website: https://ismh2022.it/
Start: 2022.10.19.
End: 2022.10.21.
Venue: Emilia Romagna, Italy, Salsomaggiore Terme,
The event's web page: http://ismh2022.it
The 45th ISMH Congress in DaxBoth live (on site) and virtual (on line) sessions
Dear Colleagues and Friends,
The course of the pandemic remains quite unpredictable due to the role of variants and the pace of vaccination. It is therefore impossible to know if international travels will be possible in June.
The Congress will therefore be organized as a webinar. Nonetheless we hope that a lot of delegates will be present in Dax.
Only for members of the ISMH (individuals and societies) who are up to date with the payment of the 2021 fee.
For more details please visit the website: https://www.ismh-dax2021.com/
My best and most friendly regards.
Member of the National Academy of Medicine
President of the ISMH 45th Congress
Start: 2021.06.10.
End: 2021.06.11.
Venue: France, Dax,
44. World Congress of ISMH (Wieliczka, Poland, 13-16 June, 2019)Congress website, online registration and abstract submission:
http://balneologia.pl/en/ismh >>
"From basic research to clinical challenges"
On behalf of the International Society of Medical Hydrology (ISMH) and Polish Association of Balneology and Physical Medicine we would like to invite you all to join us in Wieliczka (Poland) and participate in our congress.
This important scientific event will be organized by the Polish Association of Balneology and Physical Medicine with coordination with Board of ISMH.
The meeting will take place from 13 to 16 June 2019 at the “Hotel Lenart” and Salt Mine and Thermal Center Wieliczka”.
The Wieliczka mine is often referred to as "the Underground Salt Cathedral of Poland". In 1978 it was placed on the original UNESCO list of the World Heritage Sites. It is also an underground health resort recognized by the Polish minister of health. Wieliczka is located 15 km from Cracow - the former capital of Poland, one of the most popular tourist destinations, not only in Poland but also in Europe.
Main topics of Congress are:
Modern balneological treatment of patient with chronic diseases
Advancements in balneology, physical therapy, balneochemistry, climatology and thermal geology.
Basic research in balneology field
We also anticipate special session about management in thermal institutions.
The local authorities are doing their best to the support the participants, namely assuring all the transfers from the Balice Airport and all the hotels. All relevant information regarding travel, registration, accommodation, scientific and social programs can be found soon on the Congress website.
We look forward to meeting you in Wieliczka!
Yours sincerely,
Pedro Cantista
ISMH President
Jacek Chojnowski
Congress Chairman
Start: 2019.06.13.
End: 2019.06.16.
Venue: Poland, Wieliczka,
The event's web page: http://balneologia.pl/en/ismh
43. World Congress of ISMH (Amarante, Portugal, 10-13, June 2018)Dear colleagues, dear friends,
On behalf of the International Society of Medical Hydrology (ISMH) I would like to invite you all to join us in Amarante (Portugal) and participate in our congress.
This important scientific event will be organized by the Portuguese Society of Medical Hydrology and will gather the ISMH Congress with the National Medical Hydrology Congresses of both Portugal and Spain. As Chairman of the ISMH Congress I will have the privilege and honor to have as co-presidents Prof. Francisco Maraver Eyzaguirre (for the Spanish Society Congress) and Dr. António Jorge Santos Silva (for the Portuguese Society Congress).
The meeting will take place from 10 to 13 June 2018 at the “Hotel Casa da Calçada – Relais & Châteaux” and in the “Amadeo Souza Cardoso Museum” in Amarante – Portugal (Porto District). Amarante is a beautiful small historical town that I am sure you all will enjoy. Traditionally Portugal offers a wonderful hospitality to all his guests and for sure that it will happen again. The local authorities are doing their best to the support the participants, namely assuring all the transfers from the Porto Airport and all the hotels. You may find all the relevant information on this website about travelling, registration, accommodation, scientific and social programs.
We are working hard to organize an outstanding scientific and educational congress aiming to continue developing Medical Hydrology. We already assured the presence of the most prestigious names of this scientific and clinical field, with a very significant number of invited speakers. Both the Organizing and Scientific Committees of this Congress will have a very active role in the scientific program in close collaboration with the ISMH Executive Board.
We look forward to meeting you in Amarante!
Yours sincerely,
Pedro Cantista
ISMH President
Congress Chairman
Website: http://www.ismhcongress2018.com/ >>
(under construction)
E-mail: info@ismhcongress2018.com
Start: 2018.06.10.
End: 2018.06.13.
Venue: Portugal, Porto,
The event's web page: http://www.ismhcongress2018.com
41st World Congress of ISMH (19-21 May 2016 in Bucharest Romania)Dear Colleagues, Dear Friends,
I am very much delighted to announce that the 41st World Congress of ISMH will be held 19-21 May 2016 in Bucharest Romania. Since we are going to have our congress annually after the decision at the General Assembly during the 39th Congress of ISMH in Kyoto/Japan in 2014, Brazil was the hosting country of the first annual ISMH Congress that was the 40th of total in Rio de Janeiro 26-28 August 2015.
After two international balneological gatherings in two continents in Japan and Brazil we are returning back to Europe, the cradle of Medical Hydrology and Climatology. We are excited about our reunion this time in one of the most typical traditional eastern European countries of balneology, Romania. The local organizers are our well-known colleagues; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Olga Surdu as Congress President, President of Romanian Association of Balneology Dr. Constantin Munteanu as Local Scientific Committee President and Prof. Dr. Gelu Onose as Organizing Committee President, they will be happy to welcome you in Bucharest for 41st Congress of ISMH. I thank them in advance since I am familiar with their engagement and enthusiasm in balneology and I believe we all will appreciate their great efforts in organization such a successful event in all aspects. I would also like to express my gratitude to Romanian Association of Balneology ARB (Asociaţia Română de Balneologie) for their support and collaboration.
This congress of our “Global Association” certainly will reflect the scientific activities, research and developments not only in Europe but also in the whole globe.
I now am really looking forward to 41st Congress of ISMH and already excited about our next meeting in Bucharest, this time with the motto "Evergreen Balneology; the way ahead!"
Prof. Dr. Müfit Zeki Karagülle
President, ISMH
Please visit the Congress website: http://bioclima.ro/ismh2016.html >>
Start: 2016.05.19.
End: 2016.05.21.
Venue: Romania, Bucharest,
The event's web page: http://bioclima.ro/ismh2016.html
40th World Congress of ISMH Dear Colleagues, Dear Friends,
I am very much delighted to share with you the preliminary program and related information >> of the 40th World Congress of ISMH that will be held 26-28 August 2015 in Rio de Janeiro Brazil.
You are already informed that we are going to have our congress annually since the 39th Congress of ISMH in Kyoto/Japan last year. Brazil after Japan will be hosting this first annual balneological scientific gathering again as an over sea destination. We are all excited that we will meet this time in Latin America first time ever in the history of ISMH which I think will play crucial role in the recognition of very international character of ISMH. This congress will give an ever-growing impetus to the scientific activities and developments not only in Latin America but also in the whole continent of America.
I thank the local organizers namely Dr. Marcos Untura Filho, the president of the congress for his great efforts in the organization of the event. Without his engagement and enthusiasm we could not have the change to hold a congress in Latin America. I would also like to express my appreciation and gratitude to ABINAM (Associaçăo Brasileira da Indústria de Águas Minerais) for their support and collaboration.
The website of the 40th ISMH Congress is open >>
Please find all related information about the congress such as: General Information, Official Hotel, Tourism Agency, Program, registration Form, and soon abstract submission for poster presentations.
Please do not hesitate to get in to contact with us if you should have any inquiries.
Looking forward to our meeting with Latin American Colleagues!
Prof. Dr. Müfit Zeki Karagülle
President, ISMH
Start: 2015.08.26.
End: 2015.08.28.
Szakterület(ek): Allergológia, klinikai immunológia
Venue: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Windwor Barra Hotel
MinWat2014 International Multidisciplinary Conference on Mineral WatersMinWat2014 - International Multidisciplinary Conference on Mineral Waters: Genesis, Exploitation, Protection and Valorisation - will be held in the Hotel Thermal, in the famous city of Karlovy Vary (Carlsbad), Czech Republic, 8-11 September 2014.
The deadline for abstract submission is 1 February 2014.
Conference will be organised in the form of three parallel sessions:
• Hydrogeology and hydrogeochemistry — origin, protection and management
• Bottled water — market and demand, health issues
• Balneology — balneotherapy and balneotechnics
At the beginning of each day, during a plenary session the three parallel sessions will be introduced by a series of invited keynote lectures. The main objective if these keynote lectures will be the presentation of typical problems existing in the fields of hydrogeology-hydrogeochemistry, bottled mineral water, and balneology to other colleagues in the audience. These introductory keynote lectures will be relatively easy to follow also for colleagues from other disciplines. By doing so, the experts from, for example, balneology and water bottling will learn about current issues in the field of hydrogeology and hydrogeochemistry, and vice versa, of course.
For more details please visit the conference web site at http://minwat2014.vuv.cz/
Start: 2014.09.08.
End: 2014.09.11.
Venue: Czech Republic, Karlovy Vary, Hotel Thermal
The event's web page: http://minwat2014.vuv.cz
Dear ISMH Members and Balneology Colleagues,
I hope you made a good health and happy start to 2014. I would like to remind you once again that the 39th World Congress of ISMH, the International Scientific Meeting of Balneology Medical Hydrology and Climatology, will take place in Kyoto Japan, 11-14 May 2014.
The motto of the Congress reflects the core of our medical praxis; “Responses of the Human Body to the stimuli from Nature”.
As we all agree that Japan is the perfect choice for the 39th ISMH Congress not only being a unique traditional “onsen” country with vivid scientific balneological research, but also being the country of nature and culture.
The ISMH Congresses, as being the unique biennial global scientific meeting of medical balneology, hydrology and climatology are increasingly attracting scientists, experts and professionals globally from the medical hydroclimatological and balneological sectors and representatives of organizations and institutions of the countries all over the world.
We all are looking forward to the congress which will reflect the importance of the scientific research on “health effects of natural stimuli from the nature”; water, mud, climate in general and the “healing environment” of the traditional spa treatments in particular. The main topics of the congress cover main aspects of our field and will be presented in three main sessions. A Symposium is dedicated on “Hot and cold stimuli / Efficacy of radon / Waon therapy / Forest medicine and Terrain Kur / Healthy aging and national finance / Foot baths”. A series of sessions will be held on clinical applications; “Locomotion and rheumatology / Rehabilitation / CO 2 , NaCl, Sulfur Waters / Aquatic therapy / Thalassotherapy and Mud therapy”. And of course a special part for hosting country; with special topics such as “Acupuncture and moxibustion / Acid springs / Sand baths (suna-mushi)”. Nevertheless, oral and poster communications from a diversity of research agenda from all over the globe are expected. Abstracts can be submitted at the website;
http://www.ismh2014.com/abstract.html and deadline of submission is
12th of February.
I along with our Japanese colleagues leaded by Dr. Shigeko Inokuma and Prof. Yoshinori Ohtsuka will be delighted to meet you at our global scientific and social meeting; the 39th one on 11-14 May 2014 in Kyoto, Japan.
Prof. Dr. Müfit Zeki Karagülle
President of ISMH
For more details please visit the website >>
Download Poster here >>
Download the Message from ISMH President here >>
Start: 2014.05.11.
End: 2014.05.14.
Venue: Japan, Kyoto, Kyoto International Conference Center
The event's web page: http://www.ismh2014.com/index.html
International Congress Peloids (21 - 22 March 2014, Bad Bayersoien, Germany)Dear colleagues, practitioners and friends of peloid-therapy!
Peloids and it’s various forms of preparation and application have been successfully used separately and in combination with other remedies for centuries in clinical work.
The indications for peloid-therapy, as listed by spa resorts, are amazingly diverse and include skin and respiratory diseases, inflammatory and non-inflammatory rheumatic diseases, gynecological diseases and infertility, general susceptibility to infections and psychological fatigue.
Peloid-therapy was considered standard medical treatment in earlier internal medicine, pediatric, dermatology, rheumatology, gynecology and orthopedic textbooks but many modern clinicians and scientists are skeptical of it’s efficacy despite it’s general acceptance and support by patients.
When a patient is interested in the possibilities of peloid-therapy at a spa or hospital, we should be able to answer, competently, the questions, “What is, in fact, peloid-therapy” and “What form of peloid-therapy`s effectiveness has been scientifically proven or at least confirmed through clinical experience?”
The aim of the conference is to provide the very best possible forum for answers to clinically relevant questions. Which indications are applicable and which are no longer
pertinent? There will be more than enough time for critical discussion and discussions of new scientific research will be especially welcome with interest.
At our last Peloid Symposium held in March of 2012 at Clinic Blankenstein, Hattingen, Germany, much new research information was presented. For example, it was previously thought that only the thermal-physical effects of peat were of primary importance. But it has become increasingly clear that peat’s biological effects also play a very significant role in treatment which has lead us to increase research in this direction.
I’m hoping for and wishing you all an informative conference with lively and interesting discussion among the warm and friendly atmosphere of fellow balneologists and beautiful surroundings of Spa Bayersoien.
I remain respectfully yours,
André-Michael Beer
Conference Venue:
Parkhotel am Soier See, Am Kurpark 1, 82435 Bad Bayersoien, Germany
Conference fee
Regular Conference fee: € 70, -
Reduced rate for members of cooperating society DGMT
(with ID): € 50, -
Reduced rate for students (with ID): € 20, -
Chairpersons and speakers: free
The Conference fee includes
• Book of Abstracts
• Coffee breaks
• Get together at Park Hotel am Soier See on Friday, March 21 st
Conference Dinner on Friday, March 21nd (not included in the conference fee)
Organisation, Information, Registration
Ammergauer Alpen GmbH
Eugen-Papst-Str. 9A, 82487 Oberammergau
A. Hutter (bis 12.30 Uhr)
T: +49(0)8822/92 27 443 F: +49(0)8822/92 27 45
J. Holfeld
T: +49(0)8822/92 27 434 F: +49(0)8822/92 27 45
Program and more details >>
Start: 2014.03.21.
End: 2014.03.22.
Venue: Germany, 82435 Bad Bayersoien, Parkhotel am Soier See, Am Kurpark 1,
Date:Thursday, March, 6th, 2014, from 10.00 am
Venue: Auditorium of the Ministry of Health, in Lungotevere Ripa n. 1,
Filippo Fernč, President FoRST
Costanzo Jannotti Pecci, President Federterme
Zhang QI, WHO – Geneve, Team Coordinator Traditional and Complementary Medicine
Umberto Solimene, Milano - Secretary-General FEMTEC (World Federation of Hydrotherapy and Climatotherapy)
Marco Vitale, Parma - Scientific Coordinator FoRST
Emilio Minelli, Milano - Deputy Director WHO Coll. Center for Traditional Medicine
Zeki Karagulle, Istanbul - President ISMH (International Society of Medical Hydrology)
Beatrice Lorenzin, Minister of Health
Moderator: Andrea Comaschi
For further information:
Press Office Weber Shandwick Italia
Andrea Comaschi, 02.57378214 – 345.9742071, acomaschi@webershandwick.com
Valentina Crovetti, 02. 57378320, vcrovetti@webershndwick.com
Download invitation letter here >>
Időpont: 2014.03.06.
Venue: Italy, Auditorium of the Ministry of Health, in Lungotevere Ripa n. 1,
European Thermal Meeting (7-8 November 2013, France)Evidence in Balneotherapy of Rheumatic Conditions
Symposium dedicated to the state of the art of medical balneotherapy in Europe.
Venue: Enghien-les-Bains, France
Basic issues
• Hydro-thermal products and cares for balneotherapy of rheumatic conditions, the scientific evidence.
• Mechanisms of action of balneotherapy in rheumatic diseases, the scientific evidence.
• The specific therapeutic role of the mineral elements, the evidence.
Clinical approach
• Balneotherapy for mechanical conditions of the limbs and of the back, the evidence.
• Balneotherapy for inflammatory chronic rheumatic diseases, the evidence.
• Balneotherapy for patients with Fibromyalgia, the evidence.
First announcement >>
For more details please visit the website >>
Start: 2013.11.07.
End: 2013.11.08.
Venue: France, Enghien-les-Bains,
New Frontiers of the European Healtcare System (Italy - 19 October 2013)The implementation of the EU legislation n° 2011/24 on patients’ rights for cross-border traditional and thermal healthcare
In view of the forthcoming introduction of the EU legislation n°2011/24 regarding the right of European citizens to be able to choose any country within the EU for healthcare, a International Convention will be held at the Palazzo delle Terme in Levico (Trento) on 19 October 2013. The Legislation sanctions the right of European citizens to be treated by different national healthcare systems, receiving the same healthcare services granted in the countries of origin. The deadline of October 25th 2013, has been set within which the national legislation of each EU country will be amended accordingly, in order to make this right effective.
Program >>
Időpont: 2013.10.19.
Venue: Italy, Palazzo delle Terme in Levico
The 66th General Assembly and International Scientific Congress of the World Federation of Hydrotherapy and Climatotherapy (FEMTEC) - (Rhodes-Kos,Greece,13th - 17th October 2013) Natural Mineral waters and climatic resources are part of the cultural heritage of every country’s medical tradition. Hippocrates, “the Father of Medicine”, wrote the “handbook” “On Airs, Waters and Places”, very modern and topical. It dealt with connections between human being and environment and the opportunity of natural means care. Holistic and integrate vision provides four principal implements: hydrothalassotherapy, movement, nourishment and relationship mind/body. So the choice of Congress site is to underline the important and topical Hippocratic teaching about prevention, treatment and rehabilitation, wellbeing.
Referring to the Congress sites (Rhodes and Kos) there will be a special session about thermalism history of FEMTEC Members Countries.
During the Congress, ceremony of Hippocrates Oath will take place in Asclepeion.
Pr. Umberto Solimene
FEMTEC Secretary General
Pr. Nikolai Storozhenko
FEMTEC Chairman
- Experimental and Clinical Researches on Thermal medicine
- Prevention and health
- Hygiene and Technologies
- Hot springs, spa and Traditional Medicine
- Economical and social aspects
- Energy saving and reduction of water consumption, environment protection
- Hot Springs and Health Government Services
- Human resources and professional training
- Hot springs, medical spa and tourism development
- Research by products of the hot springs
- Strategy of hot spring hotels
- Business model research of hot spring tourism development
FEMTEC awards for Spa poster and oral presentation.
No later than 27th September 2013. Abstract should be submitted only in English. (see the attached format).
Click here to download the first announcement, including the registration form and abstract submission form >>
Start: 2013.10.13.
End: 2013.10.17.
Venue: Greece, Rhodes-Kos,
The event's web page: http://femteconline.org/
3rd Iberoamerican Congress of Peloids (The Azores, Portugal, 2-6 October, 2013)Venue: Ponta Delgada town, S. Miguel Island, The Azores Archipelago, Portugal
Date: 2nd – 06th October, 2013
The Azores Autonomous Region belongs to Portugal and is composed by nine volcanic islands that are located in the North Atlantic Ocean, about 1,800 km from the Iberian Peninsula. The exuberant landscape of the islands and the vast ocean that surrounds them exhibits several secondary manifestations of volcanism, such as fumaroles, thermal waters and muds, CO2-enriched waters and deep and superficial hydrothermal fields, that reveal a high economic potential that should be better known and valued.
The organization of the 3rd Iberoamerican Congress of Peloids intends to achieve the following main goals:
i) To disclose and potentiate the experience of both individuals and groups of researchers and professionals on the science and application of Peloids in Balneology and Balneotherapy;
ii) To disclose both scientific and technical advances in the last years on several topics regarding the Peloids;
iii)To promote among the Azorean companies and researchers the field of Peloids, especially for the development of innovative products and services at The Azores Archipelago.
Even addressed to all interested in the issue, the congress is addressed to researchers, professionals, technicians and students of Medicine (Medical Hydrology, Physiatry, Rheumatism and Public Health), Geology, Hydrogeology, Hydrology, Biology, Pharmacy, Cosmetics and Tourism.
The sessions of the congress will take place at Ponta Delgada town, at S. Miguel Island, between 2nd and 5th October, 2013 and field trips are scheduled to Furnas (Oct, 3rd) and Lagoa do Fogo and Caldeiras da Ribeira Grande (Oct, 6th) thermal areas.
Main topics:
1. Specificities of Muds and Peloids of Volcanic Origin, particularly of Biofilms (Main Topic)
2. Peloids Properties, Typologies and Functions
3. Medical Evidences and Clinical Advances on Peloids Benefits
4. Sanitary Aspects of the Use of Peloids and Thermal Waters in Thermal Buildings/Spas;
5. Innovation in Peloids Preparation and Formulation Through the Incorporation of Natural and/or Artificial Functional Compounds
6. Health Effects of Natural Mineral Waters: Characterization, Properties, Applications, Hydrogeology, and Aquifers Protection
7. Peloids in Dermocosmetics
8. Medical Geology and Geo-pharmacy
9. Health and Well-Being Tourism
10. Muds/Peloids and Mudtherapy/Pelotherapy
11. Certification of Peloids Quality and Utilization Protocols
12. Miscellaneous
Those who want to present an oral or poster presentation should send an ABSTRACT (a half A4 page) by email until 31st May, 2013.
Until 31st July, 2013, the EXTENDED ABSTRACT/FULL TEXT (3 to 10 A4 pages) should be sent, by email, to the Organizing Committee, following the TEMPLATE in annex.
Only those who have done the registration and proof of payment can present their oral/poster presentation.
All accepted oral and poster presentation, as well as invited speakers presentations, will be distributed to all the participants.
Those who want to participate on the 3rd Iberoamerican Congress of Peloids should fill and send to the Congress Secretariat by e-mail the annex Registration Bulletin:
III Congresso Iberoamericano de Peloides – Azores 2013
Instituto de Inovaçăo Tecnológica dos Açores (INOVA)
Estrada de Săo Gonçalo
9504-540 Ponta Delgada - Açores - Portugal
Tel: (351) 296 201 770
Fax: (351) 296 653 324
E-mail: inova@inovacores.pt
Site: http://www.inovacores.pt
First Announcement >>
Registration form >>
Abstract form >>
Start: 2013.10.02.
End: 2013.10.06.
Venue: The Azores Archipelago, Portugal, Ponta Delgada town, S. Miguel Island,
The event's web page: http://www.inovacores.pt
Balneological Congress of Polish Association of Balneology and Physical Medicine (Poland, 5-8th September 2013)In 5-8 th September 2013 the Balneological Congress of Polish Association of Balneology and Physical Medicine will be held in Świeradów.
It is polish congress with participation of international guests.
We anticipate two English language sessions about the most important scientific attainments of balneology and thermal medicine in different countries on the world.
Subjects of other sessions (lectures and posters) are advancements in balneology, physical therapy, balneochemistry, climatology, thermal geology. We also anticipate special session about management in thermal institucions.
We would like to invite all balneology doctors (particulary for doctors who are being during post graduated specialization), doctors of other specializations who are interesting about thermal medicine and physical medicine, managers of thermal institutions, physical therapists, nurses.
Another annoucement will appear on web site of our Association http://www.balneologia.pl >>
We kindly invite to the beautiful thermal station Świeradów Zdrój.
Behalf of Organization Committe:
President of Polish Association of Balneology and Physical Medicine
prof. dr. med. Irena Ponikowska
Start: 2013.09.05.
End: 2013.09.08.
Szakterület(ek): Aneszteziológia, intenzív terápia, Belgyógyászat, Bőrgyógyászat, Endokrinológia, anyagcsere betegségek, Endokrinológia, anyagcsere betegségek, Endokrinológia, anyagcsere betegségek, Gasztroenterológia, Gyermekgyógyászat, Gyermekgyógyászat, Gyermekgyógyászat, Gyermekgyógyászat, Gyermekgyógyászat, Kardiológia, Nephrologia, Nephrologia, Nephrologia, Nephrologia, Neurológia, idegsebészet, Neurológia, idegsebészet, Neurológia, idegsebészet, Onkológia, Rehabilitáció, Reumatológia, Reumatológia, Sebészet, Szülészet-nőgyógyászat, Allergológia, klinikai immunológia, Allergológia, klinikai immunológia, Allergológia, klinikai immunológia
Venue: Poland, Świeradów Zdrój,
The event's web page: http://www.balneologia.pl
Balneological Congress of Polish Association of Balneology and Physical Medicine (Poland, 5-8th September 2013)In 5-8 th September 2013 the Balneological Congress of Polish Association of Balneology and Physical Medicine will be held in Świeradów.
It is polish congress with participation of international guests.
We anticipate two English language sessions about the most important scientific attainments of balneology and thermal medicine in different countries on the world.
Subjects of other sessions (lectures and posters) are advancements in balneology, physical therapy, balneochemistry, climatology, thermal geology. We also anticipate special session about management in thermal institucions.
We would like to invite all balneology doctors (particulary for doctors who are being during post graduated specialization), doctors of other specializations who are interesting about thermal medicine and physical medicine, managers of thermal institutions, physical therapists, nurses.
Another annoucement will appear on web site of our Association http://www.balneologia.pl >>
We kindly invite to the beautiful thermal station Świeradów Zdrój.
Behalf of Organization Committe:
President of Polish Association of Balneology and Physical Medicine
prof. dr. med. Irena Ponikowska
Start: 2013.09.05.
End: 2013.09.08.
Venue: Poland, Świeradów Zdrój,
The event's web page: http://www.balneologia.pl
Romanian Conference of BalneologyDear colleagues,
Organizing Committee of the eleventh edition of the Romanian Conference of Balneology, with international participation, event which will run from 29 May to 1 June 2013, in the resort Slanic Moldova, has the great pleasure to invite you to participate.
The event is organized annually by the National Institute of Rehabilitation, Physical Medicine and Balneoclimatology in Bucharest with Romanian Association of Balneology.
The conference will be a special occasion to debate issues of interest in healthcare and scientific research potential of our country spa, emphasizing the development prospects of this area.
Conference Theme: spa tourism development paradigms.
Special guests: Prof. Dr. M. Zeki Karagulle, President of the International Society of Medical Hydrology and Climatology and Prof. Dr. Umberto Solimene, Secretary General of the World Federation of Hydrotherapy and Climatotherapy.
Program >>
Abstract book >>
Start: 2013.05.29.
End: 2013.06.01.
Venue: Romania, Slanic Moldova,
The event's web page: http://www.bioclima.ro
X. Turkish Spa Medicine and Balneology Congress (April 11-13, 2013 - Güre, Turkey)X. NATIONAL THERMAL MEDICINE AND BALNEOLOGY CONGRESS and “I. SPA AND WELLNESS SYMPOSIUM” will be held in Güre, on 11th-13th of April, 2013. Thermal medicine and Balneology/Hydroclimatology congresses, which we used to organize in every two years, will be held annually from now on. Because we aim to adopt an up-to-date approach and discuss the scientific developments and researches in the fields of balneology, thermal springs and thermal medicine, which increase rapidly both in our country and in the world. The program of X. National Thermal Medicine and Balneology Congress will serve to this purpose with the presentations and lectures of invited speakers. Presentations will focus on the scientific studies and researches conducted in the fields of thermal medicine and balneology-hydroclimatology. Moreover; scientists, namely experts in their fields that constitute the scientific board, will share scientific information with the participants.
While the thermal/thalasso cures are traditionally and commonly used for the treatment of various diseases in our country, in addition to thermal centers, spas, where natural & traditional treatments and applications are mainly used with the concept of wellness, emerge both nationally and globally. As the phrase goes, we are experiencing an explosion of “spa and wellness”. From this point forth, we will break new ground via our congress: 1st Spa and Wellness Symposium. Our purpose is to gather all the leading representatives in spa & wellness sector and create and aura of communication and interaction for them. We are aware of the fact that the need for managers, therapists, technicians and similar trained & experienced workers cannot be met. For this reason, we primarily aim to increase the levels of education, information and skill of the workers employed in the spa and wellness sector in Turkey.
We would like to invite you both to our symposium & congress and we hope to have a successful & fruitful congress for balneology, thermal medicine and spa & wellness sector in our country with your contribution and support.
President of Turkish Thermal Medicine and Balneology Society
Ýstanbul University Faculty of Medicine, Head of the Department of Medical Ecology and Hydroclimatology
For more details please visit the website >>
Start: 2013.04.11.
End: 2013.04.13.
Venue: Turkey, Güre,
The event's web page: http://balneoloji2013.org/eng/default.asp
ECEBAT: The 1st European Conference of Evidence Based Aquatic Therapy (Izmir / Turkey, 21-23 March 2013)Dear Colleague,
We would like to invite you to ECEBAT: The 1st European Conference of Evidence Based Aquatic Therapy, 21-23 March 2013 in Izmir / Turkey.
Web: http://www.aquatherapy2013.org >>
The conference will include a scientific program with keynotes, short presentations, poster sessions.
We will have a pre-conference program with practical workshops in Balçova Spa and a post-conference tour to the world famous Pamukkale.
The website offers the possibility to:
Register as a participant
To submit an abstract
We hope to welcome you and many other aquatic therapy professionals in order to share the current
knowledge in our field and to expand aquatic therapy along the lines of evidence based clinical practice.
Johan Lambeck,
Chair Cientific Committee
Baris Gürpinar,
Chair Organization Committee
Announcement >>
Registration form >>
Workshop Registration Form >>
Start: 2013.03.21.
End: 2013.03.23.
Venue: Turkey, Izmir,
The event's web page: http://www.aquatherapy2013.org
4th International Health Tourism Days and Exhibition (Antalya, Turkey, 01-03 November 2012)For more details please visit the websites:
Official website >>
Facebook >>
Start: 2012.11.01.
End: 2012.11.03.
Venue: Turkey, Antalya,
2nd Balkan Spa Summit in Cesme Turkey, 4-7 October 2012This year we are going to have the 2nd Balkan Spa Summit in Cesme Turkey, 4-7 October 2012. We will be delighted to welcome and to meet the spa experts and executives not only from Balkan countries but all around the world as well.
The spa and wellness sector in Turkey has been growing enormously since last decade as spa and wellness concepts became a predominant trend in the tourism and hotel sector. The 2nd Balkan Spa Summit will be also an excellent gathering of participants from Turkey spa sector to see and judge the challenges and opportunities in their way to development.
Let us meet in Çeşme for preparing ourselves to future developments and finding ways for collaboration in Balkan spa and wellness sector and share our specific Balkan messages with the world spa and wellness sector.
Prof. Dr. M. Zeki Karagülle
President of ISMH and TURKSPA
Official website >>
Facebook >>
Start: 2012.10.04.
End: 2012.10.07.
Venue: Turkey, Cesme,
38th World Congress of ISMHLocation: Hotel Balneario de Lanjarón, Granada
- Biology(biochemistry, microbiology, physics, physiology, c)
- Health benefit (rheumatology, dermatology, respiratory and ENT, metabolisms, obesity, vascular diseases, neurology, psychiatry, children, gynaecology,c),
- New trends : exercise, education, ageing, rehabilitation, prevention, public health,
- Mud Therapy,
- Climatherapy,
- Thalassotherapy,
- Safety (resources, products, treatments, patients, ...),
- Drinking mineral waters,
- Dermo]cosmetological issues,
- Methodology of scientific investigation,
- Medical Hydrology Teaching (initial and continuous medical education),
- Managing the quality,
- Economics,
- Miscellaneous, ...
Official language: English
E-mail: info@ismh2012.com
Web: http://www.ismh2012.com
Start: 2012.06.20.
End: 2012.06.23.
Venue: Granada - Spain, Lanjarón,
The event's web page: http://www.ismh2012.com
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The 77th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Balneology, Climatology and Physical Medicine (BCMP) (June 8-9th, 2012)Meeting Chairman: Dr. Naofumi Yoshioka, Vice President of Akita University, Japan
Date: June 8-9th,2012
Meeting venue: Senhoku Civic Center, Akita Prefecture, Japan
The Conference: Special Lecture, Workshop, Oral and Poster Presentations
Fees: 12,000 JPY
More Information:
yoshioka@jimu.akita-u.ac.jp or onki2012@gipc.akita-u.ac.jp
Web: onki2012.umin.ne.jp
Start: 2012.06.08.
End: 2012.06.09.
Venue: Japan, Akita, Senhoku Civic Center
The event's web page: http://onki2012.umin.ne.jp
National Conference of Balneology (May 10 to 12, 2012 at Sovata, Romania)We invite you to take part to the Tenth Edition of the Romanian National Conference of Balneology, with international participation, which will be held from May 10 to 12, 2012 at SOVATA.
The event is organized by the National Institute of Rehabilitation, Physical Medicine and Balneoclimatology from Bucharest together with the Romanian Association of Balneology.
The conference will be a special occasion to debate issues of interest in health and scientific research on the spa potential of our country, emphasizing the development prospects of this area.
The conference theme is: Exploring the clinical and research experience in Spa Resorts from Romania. Guidelines and protocols for good practice in modern medicine spa.
We expect you and we believe that your presence makes a successful event.
More details >>
Start: 2012.05.10.
End: 2012.05.12.
Venue: Romania, Sovata,
IX. National Spa Medicine and Balneology Congress and Thermal Spa Training (Turkey, 12-14 April, 2012)IX. NATIONAL SPA MEDICINE AND BALNEOLOGY CONGRESS and “THERMAL SPA TRAINING” for the managers and personnel of thermal and SPA resorts shall be held between April 12th and April 14th, 2010 at the premises of Kozaklý DIVAISIB Thermal Resort Hotel & Spa.
At the congresses we organize at national level with regard to Thermal medicine and Balneology / Hydroclimatology, we present and discuss the national and international scientific developments and studies in the field of spa and thermal medicine.
The program of the IX. National Spa Medicine and Balneology Congress shall consist of free communiqués and the conferences of the invited speakers. In the section of free communiqués, some of the medical and technical scientific studies and researches carried out in the field of spa medicine and balneology shall be presented. Furthermore, scientists constituting the Scientific Committee who are specialists in their fields and subjects shall be sharing their current scientific knowledge with the participants.
The language of the congress is Turkish.
But the sessions attended by foreign speakers shall be held in English.
For more details please visit the Internet address of the congress http://www.balneoloji2012.org/eng/default.asp >>
Start: 2012.04.12.
End: 2012.04.14.
Venue: Turkey, Kozaklý DIVAISIB Thermal Resort Hotel & Spa
The event's web page: http://www.balneoloji2012.org/eng/default.asp
8th Turkish-Hungarian Balneological Meeting (Sep 29 - Oct. 2. Bursa, Turkey)in association with the “International Congress on Ageing and Elderly”
General Information
Date: September 29th – October 2nd 2011
Meeting Venue
Atatürk Congress Culture Center
Merinos Parký, Osmangazi,Bursa
Tel: +90 224 272 16 00
Web: http://www.merinosakkm.com.tr/EN/
Hotel Çelik Palas
Çekirge Cd. No:79, Bursa
Tel: +90 224 233 38 00
Web: www.celikpalasotel.com
Turkish Society of Spa Medicine and Balneology
Hungarian Balneological Society
Turkish Aged Sciences and Technologies Association
Program and more information >>
International Congress on Ageing and Elderly
Web: http://www.agingcongress2011.org
Start: 2011.09.29.
End: 2011.10.02.
Venue: Turkey, Bursa,
The event's web page: http://www.agingcongress2011.org
XXIII. Balneological Congress (Nałęczów, Poland Sep. 8 – 11. 2011)Polish Association of Balneology and Physical Medicine is organizing the XXIII. Balneological Congress which be held in Nałęczów in Sep. 8 – 11. 2011.
Thermal station Nałęczów is situated 140 km from Warsaw and 30 km from Lublin.
A special meeting with Guest Balneological International Experts and representatives of Polish Association will organized.
It is aimed to discuss how to prepare the hand book with general definitions, balneological nomenclatures with ISMH patronage. And try to find the common action of medical associations in development of scientific, practical and functional progress of balneology in Europe and worldwide.
International Balneological Meeting ,,Moon Table Conference"
Sep. 8.2011 2-3.30pm
Place: Moon Hall, Termy Pałacowe
- Representatives of international and state balneological associations
- Representation of Polish Balneology and Physical Medicine Association
Under the Patronage of ISMH (International Society of Medical Hydrology and Climatology)
Coordinator: Prof. Dr. hab. Krzysztof Marczewski
Program >>
Start: 2011.09.08.
End: 2011.09.11.
Venue: Poland, Nałęczów,
XIIth Lošinj school (conference) for natural remedies (Veli Lošinj, Croatia, September 2 th - 4 th, 2011)‚‚Natural Health Resorts in Croatia’’
The committee of health tourism and natural remedies of The Academy of Medical Sciences of Croatia, Croatian Society for Balneoclimatology and natural remedies of the Croatian Medical Association and Health Resort Veli Lošinj would like to invite you to the 12th Lošinj school (conference) of natural remedies "Health resort destinations in Croatia", which will be held in September 2th- 4th 2011 in Health Resort Veli Lošinj.
We welcome you and are expecting you in Veli Lošinj!
Organising committee
Renata Žugić (president), Goran Ivanišević (head of Conference)
Venue: Health Resort - Lječilište, Podjavori 27, 51551 Veli Lošinj, Croatia
Accommodation booking
Mirjana Horvat / ATLANTIS 01 4811155
email: zagreb@ atlantis-travel.hr
Health Resort Veli Lošinj 051 236 111
email: ljeciliste-veli-losinj@ri.t-com.hr
Croatia has Country Code: +385 and International Call Prefix: 00
Further info about the destination: http://www.tz-malilosinj.hr/
For further information about the congress please open the attached announcement.
Start: 2011.09.02.
End: 2011.09.04.
Venue: Croatia, 51551 Veli Lošinj, Podjavori 27, Health Resort - Lječilište
Attached documents (1)
11th Aquatic Therapy Modular Course Package in Valens, SwitzerlandDate: Sunday June 05 – Friday June 17, 2011
Location: Postgraduate Study Centre Valens, Rehabilitation clinic, CH-7317 Valens, affiliated to the Bad Ragaz Medical Centre.
Language: English
Info: Mrs. Gabriela Wyttenbach
Email: info@study-valens.ch
Fax: +41 81 303 1410.
Detailed information:
Johan Lambeck.
Email: info@halliwick.net or for a .pdf flyer: http://www.halliwick.net at the opening page.
Full course information can also be obtained from: http://www.klinik-valens.ch/en/study_centre/kurse.php
Contents and aim of the course:
This 11th edition continues to present the state-of-science in aquatic therapy.
Updated contents provide students with a comprehensive picture of current research that supports case oriented decision making, clinical reasoning, problem-solving and goal- setting in aquatic therapy.
This intensive postgraduate aquatic therapy course (129.5 academic contact hours of 45 minutes) is unique in the world. The basis is “learning-by-reasoning and doing”: pool practice encompasses 86.4 hours Five aquatic treatment concepts form the
practical implementation of an evidence based and competence guided approach to therapy. Participants will experience a variety of patients during 5 hands-on sessions in the pool, supervised by the lecturers. Included are a (digital) course book, plus beverages during coffee/tea breaks.
For more details please open the attached announcement.
Start: 2011.06.05.
End: 2011.06.17.
Venue: Switzerland, CH-7317 Valens, Postgraduate Study Centre Valens, Rehabilitation clinic
The event's web page: http://www.halliwick.net
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16th Annual ESPA Congress (24-27 May 2011, Belek, Turkey)The 16th Annual ESPA Congress will be held in Belek, Turkey on the 24th-27th May 2011.
Location: Ela Quality Resort Hotel (Antalya Turkey)
Official language: English
TURKSPA (Turkish Spa Thalasso and Health Resort Association) as a member of ESPA (European Spas Association) is goint to host the 16th Annual Congress of this umbrella organisation with member from 20 European Countries representing over 4000 providers.
Health prevention and encouraging a healthy lifestyle will be at the top of the agenda.
For more details please open the attached announcement and the preliminary program.
Start: 2011.05.24.
End: 2011.05.27.
Venue: Turkey, Belek, Ela Quality Resort Hotel
The event's web page: http://www.espa-ehv.com
Attached documents (2)
XI Meeting Insights Rheumatology (Italy, 13-14.05.2011)SPA Therapy in Rheumatic Diseases: display of custom or efficacious remedy?
Date: 13-14.05.2011.
Venue: Hotel Castanea -
Via Roma, 9
40046 Porretta Terme (BO)
For more details and program please visit the website: http://www.planning.it/evento.aspx?ID=1580
Start: 2011.05.23.
End: 2011.05.24.
The event's web page: http://www.planning.it/evento.aspx?ID=1580
Balneotherapy in dermatology - possibilities of sulphuric mineral water and peloid in the treatment of dermatologic diseases (Serbia, May 14th, 2011) Continuing medical education – first category domestic course!
Organizing and Scientific Committee: Aleksandar Jokic and Mirjana Milinkovic
Course venue: Specialized Rehabilitation Hospital, Banja Koviljaca, Serbia
Date: May 14th, 2011.
The list of lecturers:
1. Primarius Aleksandar Jokic, MD, MSc, physiatrist – balneologist, Specialized Rehabilitation Hospital, Banja Koviljaca, Serbia
2. Associate Professor Mirjana Milinkovic, MD, PhD, dermatovenereologist, Clinical Center of Serbia, Department of Dermatovenereology, School of Medicine, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia
3. Primarius Djunajder Kerimovic-Morina, MD, PhD, science assistant, internist – rheumatologist, Institute of Rheumatology, School of Medicine, Belgrade, Serbia
4. Primarius Negosava Stojkovic, MD, pediatric physiatrist, Specialized Rehabilitation Hospital, Banja Koviljaca, Serbia
5. Snezana Vasic, MD, physiatrist, Specialized Rehabilitation Hospital, Banja Koviljaca, Serbia
6. Zoran Grujic, MD, physiatrist, Specialized Rehabilitation Hospital, Banja Koviljaca, Serbia
Please find the Course Programme here >>
Időpont: 2011.05.14.
Venue: Serbia, Banja Koviljaca, Specialized Rehabilitation Hospital
Workshop Medical Balneology Scientific Investigation: towards an Europan frame work?! (Paris, 2011 January 21st)Dear Colleagues,
The workshop "Medical Balneotherapy Scientific Investigation: towards an European framework?!" will take place in Paris 2011, January 21st.
The aim of the workshop is to provide to European investigators the
opportunity to discuss cooperative scientific investigation in the different
fields of medical balneology and to organize concrete proposals of
The workshop is free of charge (attendance to the sessions, pauses, lunch); the number of participants is limited; the registration of the participants will be made according to their arrival rank and relevance; please fill the registration form
Workshop email : ismh.paris@orange.fr
Please have a look at the attached program of this scientific meeting.
Hope to see you again soon, in Paris
Időpont: 2011.01.21.
Venue: France, Paris, 28 Boulevard Pasteur Paris, 15čme Arrondissement, Le Meditel
Attached documents (2)
The 7th National Conference of Balneology (Bucharest, Romania, November 5-6, 2010)The 7th National Conference of Balneology will be held in Bucharest, Ramada North Hotel (Daniel Danielopolu Street, nr.44) November 5-6, 2010.
Romanian Association of Balneology and National Institute of Rehabilitacion Physical Medicine and Balneoclimatology
Special guest:
Prof. Dr. Müfit Zeki Karagülle,
President of International Society of Medical Hydrology and Climatology
Symposium: Balneary scientific research : principles and methodology
Symposium: Medical care in Balneary Resorts
Scientific abstracts are sent by email to the Organizing Committee Secretariate: culturi@gmail.com
Deadline: October 15, 2010
Participation fee and accommodation:
Start: 2010.11.05.
End: 2010.11.06.
Venue: Romania, Bucharest, Daniel Danielopolu Street, nr.44
Attached documents (1)
Spa Therapy with Saline Waters in Health ResortsSpa Therapy with Saline Waters in Health Resorts is taking place in Bad Ischl, Austria, Kur- und Kongresshaus, 22-23. Oktober, 2010.
Registration fee:
Regular fee: € 300,-
Before 15th July 2010: € 250,-
For members of cooperating Societies: € 180,-
For members of cooperating Societies before 15th July 2010: € 150,-
For young (< 40 y.) „Poster-presenter“: € 100,-
For Students: € 50,-
Organisation, Information:
Kongressbüro Bad Ischl (Frau Elisabeth Ebli)
Kurhausstrasse 8, A-4820 Bad Ischl
T: +43(0)6132/23 420 | F: +43(0)6132/23 420-150
Online Registration form:
Start: 2010.10.22.
End: 2010.10.23.
Venue: Austria, Bad Ischl, Kur- und Kongresshaus
The event's web page: http://www.kongresshaus.badischl.at
Attached documents (2)
Balneology in rehabilitationThe Specialized Rehabilitation Hospital, Banja Koviljača, Serbia organize professional meeting on
with invited lecturers:
1. Prof. Dr. Mine Karagülle: Balneology in the management of osteoporosis.
2. Prof. Dr. Zeki Karagülle: Spa Therapy and Balneotherapy in the Management of Primary Fibromyalgia Syndrome; A Systematic Review of RCTs.
3. N. Stojković. A. Jokić, N. Sremčević, N. Jevtić. Indications and contraindications in use of sulphuric peloid of Banja Koviljača in treating some disorders of locomotor system in children.
Date: Friday, 13.08.2010 14:00h Blue room
Időpont: 2010.08.13.
Venue: Banja Koviljača, Serbia
37th Congress of ISMHOpening ceremony: Medical Academy,16 rue Bonaparte, 75006
Congress Venue: Catholic University, 21 rue d'Assas, 75006
Closing Ceremony: Luxaemburg Palace,15 rue de Vaugirard, 75006.
• Biology (biochemistry, microbiology, physics, physiology, …)
• Health benefit (rheumatology, dermatology, respiratory
• and ENT, metabolisms, obesity, vascular diseases, neurology,
• psychiatry, children, gynaecology,…),
• New trends : exercise, education, ageing, rehabilitation, prevention, public health,
• Mud Therapy,
• Climatherapy,
• Thalassotherapy,
• Safety (resources, products, treatments, patients, …),
• Drinking mineral waters,
• Dermo-cosmetological issues,
• Methodology of scientific investigation,
• Medical Hydrology Teaching (initial and continuous medical education),
• Thermal Heritage and Human Sciences (litterature, history, psychology, art, architecture,… ),
• Managing the quality,
• Economics,
• Miscellaneous,
The language of the Congress is English. All the informative documents, inscription documents, abstracts submitted, text of the presentations and posters will be in English. The Congress will not provide translation to other languages.
DEADLINE for abstract SUBMISSION : 2010 February 15
All the abstracts will be submitted online on the congress website ; the main author will receive a reception confirmation email as soon as the abstract will be successfully submitted ; the decision of the scientific committee will be communicated to the main author on 2010 APRIL 15.
The accepted papers will be presented as key-note lectures, oral communications, posters communications according to the demand of the authors and the final decision of the scientific committee.
The authors will be informed of the decision of the committee and of the schedule of their presentation.
More details: http://ismh2010.org
Start: 2010.06.23.
End: 2010.06.26.
Venue: France, Paris,
Attached documents (2)
BISA International Conference in 2010The fifth British International Spa Association Conference will take place in the Hungarian Capital, Budapest. From the 3‑6 June 2010, BISA members and spa professionals from around the globe will meet on Margaret Island to discuss joint programmes and push forward common standards.
The four day conference will be hosted by the Margitsziget Health Spa Resort and neighbouring Danubius Grand Hotel Margitsziget. The conference venue, a BISA member spa and a Royal Spa of Europe, has a long tradition: it was the first metropolitan spa hotel in the world to offer a wide range of spa services.
The location complements the conference agenda: stretching for 4 kilometres, the carfree island is a protected leafy isle of tranquility and relaxation in the heart of the city. The island’s famous natural spring waters are the basis for a wide range of therapeutic wellness and spa services much sought-after by locals and visitors like.
Building on the success of the previous BISA conference in 2008 and on feedback from the participants, the 2010 conference will take place in summer and will feature a further conference day to provide sufficient time to address more topics and an additional day for workshops, seminars and hands-on activities.
Committed to advancing business resources and educational opportunities for spa professionals, BISA will host a selection of presenters from around the world in a wide range of specialities with a focus on spa business, education, architecture, spa treatments, medical spa services, products and equipment.
Full details are available online on www.internationalspa.org
View the programme >>
Register online >>
For further information visit the BISA 2010 International Conference, Budapest homepage: http://www.internationalspa.org/
Start: 2010.06.03.
End: 2010.06.09.
Venue: Hungary, Budapest, Danubius Grand Hotel Margitsziget
The event's web page: http://www.internationalspa.org/
Attached documents (2)
4th Annual Global Spa Summit in Istanbul (16-19 May 2010)At the beginning of the 2000's, a group of industry leaders decided to create and fund a conference modeled in part after the successful format of the not-for-profit World Economic Forum held each year in Davos, Switzerland, where leaders from all parts of the world gather to solve shared problems. Thus the Global Spa Summit was founded. The Global Spa Summit is held annually, beginning on the third Sunday in May. Visit the archive to learn more about the 2007, 2008, and 2009 summits.
A variety of interactive sessions are on the Summit agenda. They include panel-led discussions, general sessions, small group breakout sessions, and hosted dining conversations. Efforts are made to ensure that all attendees participate at whatever level they choose: observer, speaker, panelist, contributor, questioner, or table host. Standard business attire is recommended for all Summit sessions. For social events, delegates may dress in business casual. Interpreters will be made available for groups upon request in the online registration questionnaire.
Each year's Global Spa Summit agenda is exciting and unique. The agenda develops over time right up until the Summit and, therefore, features the very issues of the moment, giving the GSS the vibrancy and relevancy that have become its trademark. As invited delegates register, their expertise, interests, and areas of greatest concern are noted. This information, global events, and industry trends are considered as the Summit agenda takes shape.
Fore more details about the 4th Annual Global Spa Summit in Istanbul please visit the website: http://www.globalspasummit.org/index.php/summit-2010 and read the attached agenda.
For more information about the 2010 Global Spa Summit and all other general inquiries, please contact:
Dulcy Gregory
Associate Executive Director
Start: 2010.05.16.
End: 2010.05.19.
Venue: Turkey, Istanbul,
The event's web page: http://www.globalspasummit.org/index.php/summit-2010
10th Aquatic Therapy Modular Course Package in Valens, Switzerland 10th Aquatic Therapy Modular Course Package in Valens, Switzerland
Sunday May 02 – Friday May 14, 2010
Location: Postgraduate Study Centre Valens, Rehabilitation clinic, CH-7317 Valens, affiliated to the Bad Ragaz Medical Centre.
Info: Mrs. Gabriela Wyttenbach.
Email: info@study-valens.ch
Fax: +41 81 303 1410.
In partnership with the:
Faculty of Rehabilitation Sciences, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium (Aquaevidence network)
Dutch Institute of Allied Health Care NPI, Netherlands
Aquatic Therapy Section of the Association of Chartered Physiotherapists (UK)
Australian Physiotherapy Association Aquatic Physiotherapy Group
South African Society of Physiotherapy Aquatic Physiotherapy Group
Detailed information:
Johan Lambeck.
Email: info@halliwick.net or for a .pdf flyer: http://www.halliwick.net at the opening page.
Full course information can also be obtained from: http://www.klinik-valens.ch/de/study_centre/kurse.php?cat=13#(includes a photo impression in pdf)
Faculty: Urs Gamper, Anne Bommer, Johan Lambeck and guest-lecturers
This 10th edition will include special offers and continues to present the state of knowledge in aquatic therapy.
Updated contents provide students with a comprehensive picture of current research that supports case oriented decision making, clinical reasoning, problem-solving and goal- setting in aquatic therapy.
This intensive postgraduate aquatic therapy course (127.7 academic contact hours) is unique in the world. The basis is “learning-by-doing”: pool practice encompasses 83.7 hours Five aquatic treatment concepts form the
practical implementation of an evidence based and competence guided approach to therapy. Participants will experience a variety of patients during 5 hands-on sessions in the pool, supervised by the lecturers. Included are a detailed handout, CD’s, DVD’s, plus beverages during coffee/tea breaks.
- Halliwick: Ten-Point-Program and Water Specific Therapy + DVD
- The Bad Ragaz Ring Method + login to www.badragazringmethod.org
- Aqua-T-Relax, passive relaxation including e.g. neurodynamics and spinal mobilisation
- Clinical Ai Chi focused in postural control and influencing connective tissue + DVD/CD
- Aquatic Fitness introduction and measurements
- Theoretical framework: Evidence Based Practice, the ICF, Dynamic Systems Model
Start: 2010.05.02.
End: 2010.05.14.
Venue: Switzerland, Valens, Postgraduate Study Centre Valens, Rehabilitation clinic
The event's web page: http://www.halliwick.eu/
Attached documents (2)
Turkish Balneology CongressFor more information please contact:
Prof. Dr. M. Zeki KARAGÜLLE
Start: 2010.04.07.
End: 2010.04.11.
Venue: Turkey, Boyalýk Mevkii, Kalem Burnu,35948 Çeţme, Ýzmir, Altýnyunus Turistik Tesisleri
The event's web page: http://www.balneoloji2010.org/
ANFAS HETEX - 2nd Health, Spa&Wellness, Thalasso, Thermal and Medical Tourism ExhibitionThe ANFAS HETEX - 2nd Health, Spa&Wellness, Thalasso, Thermal and Medical Tourism Exhibition will be held from 4th to 6th March, 2010.
Venue: Turkey, Antalya Expo Center
Upcoming Hetex Health Tourism Event will play an important role to bring many stakeholders together.
The growing Medical Tourism health Tourism ravel industry has created significant opportunities for various stakeholders, the demands are increasing and providers are willing to enhance and improve their services. Hence, upcoming Hetex health tourism event in Antalya Turkey will play an important role to bring many stakeholders together to discuss about positive coloration between providers, buyers, insurance companies and authorities. European medical travel conference 2010 will play an important role to bridge such gap by bringing all stakeholders together.
The program is available in the attached document.
More details on the website: http://www.anfashetex.com/index_en.php
Start: 2010.03.04.
End: 2010.03.06.
Venue: Turkey, Antalya, Expo Center
The event's web page: http://www.anfashetex.com/index_en.php
Attached documents (1)
IV. International Meeting on Water and ThermalismThe program of the IV. International Meeting On Water And Thermalism (15-18.10.2009, Ourense, Espana) is available in the attached document.
For more details please visit the website: www.termatalia.com
Start: 2009.10.15.
End: 2009.10.18.
Venue: Espana, Ourense,
The event's web page: http://www.termatalia.com
Attached documents (1)
5th Conference of Vincencz Priessnitze (1–4.10.2009) The program of the 5th Conference of VINCENZ PRIESSNITZE (1. – 4.10.2009) is available in the attached document.
Start: 2009.10.01.
End: 2009.10.04.
Attached documents (1)
II Serbian Hungarian Balneology ConferenceII Srpsko Mađarska Balneološka konferencija
II Szerb - Magyar Balneológiai Konferencia
II Serbian Hungarian Balneology Conference
Venue: Banja Koviljača
Date: September 11th-13th 2009.
Dear Colleagues,
We take this opportunity to inform you that The Serbian Balneology Association and The Hungarian Balneological Society are organizing II Serbian Hungarian Balneology Conference. The conference will be held at Banja Koviljača, Serbia from 11th to 13th of September 2009.
Proposed main topics are:
Balneoclimatology in contemporary regenerative medicine practice and its perspectives
Molecular basis of Balneoclimatology (Balneoclimatology in homeostatic harmony)
Balneoloclimatology and holistic medicine
Balneoclimatology and anti-ageing medicine
Free topics:
Rheumatology in Balneoclimatology
Balneoclimatology in rehabilitation
Management in Balneoclimatology
It would be to our great satisfaction if you could participate in this conference with the presentation of your achievements from your filed of expertise. We kindly ask you to confirm your arrival by sending the title of your paper to the following e-mail serbianbalneology@yahoo.com. Dead line for the submission of an abstract of your paper (up to 250 words) is August 24th 2009.
Regarding the accommodation arrangements please contact the following e-mail banjakov@eunet.rs
More information you can find on http://www.banjakoviljaca.rs
Official languages are Serbian, Hungarian and English (simultaneous translation will be provided).
Looking forward to your arrival
Prof dr Tamás Bender MD PhD
Prof dr Tomislav Jovanovic MD PhD
Co- presidents of organization comity
Start: 2009.09.11.
End: 2009.09.13.
Venue: Serbia, Banja Koviljača,
The event's web page: http://www.banjakoviljaca.rs
GLOBAL SPA SUMMIT 2009 - 3rd Annual MeetingThe Global Spa Summit 2009 - 3rd Annual Meeting will be held on 17th – 19th May, 2009 in Victoria-Jungfrau Grand Hotel & Spa - Interlaken, Switzerland
For more details please visit: http://www.globalspasummit.org
Start: 2009.05.17.
End: 2009.05.19.
Venue: Switzerland, Interlaken, Victoria-Jungfrau Grand Hotel & Spa
The event's web page: http://www.globalspasummit.org
14th Annual ESPA Congress, May 12th – 16th, 2009 The programme and the registration form are available in the attached documents.
Start: 2009.05.12.
End: 2009.05.16.
Venue: Lithuania, Birštonas, Royal Residence
Attached documents (2)
Aquatic Therapy Modular Course Package in Valens, SwitzerlandThis 9th edition continues to present the state of knowledge in aquatic therapy. Updated contents provide students with a comprehensive picture of current research that supports decision making, clinical reasoning, problem-solving and goal-setting in aquatic therapy.
This intensive postgraduate aquatic therapy course (124.4 contact hours) is unique in the world. Two well known physiotherapists - and guest lecturers - share their knowledge and skills. Five aquatic treatment concepts form the practical implementation of an evidence based approach to therapy. Participants will experience a variety of patients during hands-on therapy in the pool, supervised by the lecturers.
Included are a detailed handout , plus beverages during coffee/tea breaks.
- Halliwick: Ten-Point-Program and Water Specific Therapy
- The Bad Ragaz Ring Method + CD of the BRRM.
- Aqua-T-Relax, passive relaxation including e.g. neurodynamics
- Ai Chi + DVD/CD of Ai Chi
- Aquatic Fitness introduction and measurements
The Halliwick and Bad Ragaz modules are certification modules (optional)
Postgraduate Study Centre Valens, Rehabilitation clinic, CH-7317 Valens, affiliated to the Bad Ragaz medical centre.
Mrs. Gabriela Wyttenbach
Email: info@study-valens.ch
Telephone: +41 81 303 1408, Fax: +41 81 303 1410
Detailed information about contents:
Johan Lambeck.
Email: info@halliwick.net.
Web: www.halliwick.net or http://www.klinik-valens.ch/de/study_centre/kurse.php?cat=13#
More details are available in the attached documents.
Start: 2009.05.10.
End: 2009.05.22.
Venue: Switzerland, Valens, Postgraduate Study Centre Valens, Rehabilitation clinic
The event's web page: http://www.klinik-valens.ch/de/study_centre/kurse.php?cat=13#
Attached documents (2)
VII. Hungarian - Turkish Balneological WorkshopCongress venue and accomodation:
Hungarospa Thermal Hotel, 4200.Hajdúszoboszló, József A. u. 25.
Tel: 00/36-52-558-553, 558-554 Fax: 00/36-52-558-556
E-mail: reservation@hungarospathermalhotel.hu
The preliminary programme is available in the attached document.
Start: 2009.05.07.
End: 2009.05.10.
Venue: Hungary, 4200 Hajdúszoboszló, József A. u. 25., Hungarospa Thermal Hotel
Attached documents (1)
Health Tourism Days in Antalya TurkeyThe Health Tourism Days in Antalya Turkey will be held February 27, 2009.
The programme is available in the attached document.
Időpont: 2009.02.27.
Venue: Antalya, Turkey,
Attached documents (1)
Meeting of the French Society of Medical Hydrology and Climatology / Journées de la Société Française d’Hydrologie For more details please open the attached document.
Start: 2009.01.22.
End: 2009.01.23.
Venue: France, Paris, 16 Rue Bonaparte, Académie Nationale de Médecine, Salle des séances pléničres
Attached documents (1)
36th Congress of the International Societyof Medical Hydrology& ClimatologyOrganising Committee:
Pedro Cantista, Portugal
Congress President
Sociedade Portuguesa de Hidrologia Médica e Climatologia
Tamás Bender, Hungary
Christoph Gutenbrunner, Germany
Zeki Karagülle, Turkey
Pál Géher, Hungary
ISHM Executive Committee
For more details about the congress please open the attached flyer!
Start: 2008.06.25.
End: 2008.06.28.
Venue: Portugal, Sheraton Porto Hotel & SPA,,
The event's web page: http://www.ismh08.org
Attached documents (1)
Aquatic Therapy Modular Course Package in Valens, Switzerland The Aquatic Therapy Modular Course Package in Valens, Switzerland will be held Sunday May 18 - Friday May 30, 2008
This intensive postgraduate modular aquatic course (135 teaching hours, 122.2 contact hours) is unique in the world. Two well known physiotherapists - and guest lecturers - share their knowledge and skills. Five aquatic treatment concepts form the practical implementation of an evidenve based approach to therapy. Participants will experience a variety of patiens during demonstrations and hands-on therapy in the pool, supervised by the lecturers.
For more details about the Course please open the attached document.
Start: 2008.05.18.
End: 2008.05.30.
Scientific information: Johan Lambeck
E-mail: info@halliwick.net
Organizer contact: Ms. Gabriela Wyttenbach
E-mail: info@study-valens.ch
Venue: Switzerland, CH-7317 Valens, Postgraduate Study Centre, Rehabilitation Clinic, affiliated to the Bad Ragaz Medical Centre
The event's web page: http://www.study-valens.ch
Attached documents (1)
Evidence Based Aquatic Therapy Seminar in Waterbury, CTEvidence Based Aquatic Therapy Seminar in Waterbury, CT was scheduled for September 14-16, 2007.
Due to a construction delay at the host site, this course has been re-scheduled for February 1-3, 2008.
We hope to see you there or at any of the other courses listed below.
Evidence Based Aquatic Therapy with Andrea Salzman
October 26-28, 2007 in Eden Prairie, MN (Early Bird deadline September 21)
February 1-3, 2008 in Waterbury, CT (Early Bird deadline December 28)
Hands-on Aquatic Training with Peggy Schoedinger
September 7-9, 2007 in Mesa, AZ (Early Bird deadline August 3)
September 21-23, 2007 in Jackson, TN (Early Bird deadline August 17)
For more information or to download a brochure, log onto our website at www.aquaticnet.com/seminars.htm or request a brochure by phone at 715/248-7258 or email at info@aquaticnet.com.
Start: 2008.02.01.
End: 2008.02.03.
I. Ibero-american Congress on PeloidsThe University of Vigo summons and organizes the I. Ibero-american Congress on Peloids.
Its main topic is the study and application of peloids in thermalcenters.
This event seeks to be a place of encounter of specialists related with this activity: investigators, professionals of the sector, companies, laboratories, etc.
We will be very grateful if you could spread out the infomation about the meeting among your collegues or institutions interested in this topic.
All the information is avalilabe in the following web page:
Yours sincerely,
Secretary MŞ Lourdes Mourelle
Department of Applied Physics
Faculty of Sciences
University of Vigo
Campus Lagoas-Marcosende
36310 - VIGO (Spain)
e-mail: peloides@uvigo.es
Phone Numbers: +34696413531
Start: 2007.11.04.
End: 2007.11.07.
Venue: Vigo, Spain
SOFMER 2007 congressDear colleagues,
The Annual Congress of the French Society of PRM is the most important PRM event in France and will attract up to 1000 participants. The programme covers most of the fields in Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine : neurological and/or musculoskeletal disorders, funtionnal assessment, PRM in childhood, vascular rehabilitation, prosthetics, perineal rehabilitation, organization and funding of PRM activity, etc. Unusual themes will be addressed, such as "PRM in Humanitarian Medicine" or "Medical supervision of outdoor pursuits and extreme sports".
This year, the SOFMER President, Prof. Jacques Pélissier and Prof. Alain Delarque, SOFMER delegate at the ESPRM, have both expressed a strong need to expand into the European dimension. For the first time, translation into English through the supply of individual earphones will be provided in one room throughout the whole congress. On Friday, four "European Sessions" will be organized, in cooperation with different colleagues from all parts of Europe. Papers have been selected from more than 25 foreign countries, including 15 European countries.
We do hope that this important event, which will take place in the wonderful location on the North Coast of Brittany, will attract your attention. We are looking forward to welcoming you in Saint-Malo !
Best regards:
Dr Georges de Korvin
Secretary General of the SOFMER 2007 Congress
The final programme can be downloaded on the congress website:
Contact person:
Maud Ledemeney +33 2 51 46 48 48 formation@technimediaservices.fr
Start: 2007.10.04.
End: 2007.10.06.
Venue: France, Saint Malo,
AQUAEVIDENCE: An intensive course: The Evidence Base for Aquatic Therapy in Persons with Disabilities Activity in water or aquatic therapy1 has decided advantages for persons with health-related problems resulting in impairments, activity limitations, and participation restrictions (WHO, 2001). Water based activity is said to aid in the relief of pain and muscle spasm, maintain or increase range of motion, strengthen and re-educate weak and/or paralyzed muscles, improve circulation, lung function, and speech, and preserve and improve balance, co-ordination and posture (Cole & Becker, 2003). While aquatic therapy is particularly popular in dealing with e.g. Rheumatism and Orthopaedic problems (Prins & Cutner, 1999), therapeutic activity in water is also offered for persons with Stroke, SCI, MS, Parkinson and CP (Lambeck, 2001).
Recreational as well as therapeutic activities are equally at home in water and all ages take part. A water based program provides excellent variety to an exercise program (Congdon, 1997). Aquatic facilities exist at or are used by numerous health care centres, major books have been published on rehabilitation in water and numerous courses are offered on “philosophies“ of aquatic rehabilitation such as Halliwick, Bad Ragaz Ring Method, and Watsu. Nevertheless, in a 20 year review of rehabilitation literature on the use of aquatic therapy for children and adolescents with neuromuscular and musculoskeletal diagnoses, Dumas and Francesconi (2001) state that most of the available articles are case reports and other descriptions of clinical practice. This is also the case when dealing with many other patient groups (Cladera, 2003) with the notable exception of Rheumatology and Orthopaedics, (Geytenbeek (2002).
Aquatic therapy includes a large hands-on component, especially in neurological and paediatric rehabilitation. In these populations treatment is varied and complex, and aquatic therapy is usually only a minor component. Nonetheless, this might have an important place in long term rehabilitation where the effect of any treatment is smaller in measurable terms.
Quantifying the effect of aquatic therapy has, as a consequence, not gained sufficient attention.
Water has an attraction of its own and swimming itself is a popular activity inducing self management and adherence. In the age of evidence based practice it seems appropriate to ask the question “What exactly is the outcome of systematic aquatic therapy for persons with disabilities?” Does aquatic therapy improve function, prevent regression of function? Might the persons who can perform little other activity independently “feel better” resulting in an increased quality of life despite no quantifiable physical changes?
1 Aquatic therapy: Movement or exercise in an Aquatic (water) environment with an intended therapeutic outcome (systematic exercise therapy during immersion in water resulting in a therapeutic outcome through stimulation of short and long-term adaptive (physiological) mechanisms in persons with a deranged biological system).
Teaching strategy:
In this 2 week intensive course the evidence base (Sackett et al, 2000) for aquatic therapy in Pulmonary, Neuromuscular, Rheumatologic and Orthopaedic diseases and disabilities will be reviewed. Groups of specialists will analyse and discuss the following:
1. Concepts of Aquatic Therapy
2. The direct and long term goals of rehabilitation in the populations in question.
3. The results of a systematic review of the evidence on aquatic therapy using the Cochrane strategy.
4. Dry land treatments with similar goals.
5. Field tests for continuous evaluation of treatment in both water and on dry land.
6. Contra indications of aquatic therapy in these populations.
7. The economic (cost/benefit) implications of aquatic therapy.
Knowledge and competences acquired
The course participant will have a good quality overview of the research base for aquatic therapy in the goal populations.
The participant will be able to:
- Perform a systematic review of a research article and classify the evidence.
- Consult in a treatment team on the advisability of the use of aquatic therapy for individuals from diverse populations and develop treatment guidelines for these persons.
A maximum of 20 students will be admitted to the course with priority given to students from the participating Universities. When sufficient space is available other students (or professionals) can be admitted. Academic credit can be arranged for this course. The final selection is made at the home University.
Course Organisation
Participant profile:
Allied Health professionals who are completing the final degree needed to enter the profession and those specialized in AT. Each student will be assigned a mentor upon admittance. The course will be taught in ENGLISH.
Participant preparation:
The participant will access written and multi-media material via the web prior to the course. They will be asked to prepare a review of several articles from one area population to be dealt with and present during the intensive course. Literature in the native language when not English will be of particular interest.
The course period 13 (10 full) days:
The course will be divided into mini-modules each dealing with one population. During each module presenter(s) will handle the 7 points in the strategy above. Time will be devoted to organisation and a refresher of the Cochrane systematic literature review strategy and overview of research methodological techniques. Practical sessions in water with actual patients will be part of each module as well as student presentations
Post course and evaluation:
The participant will make a comparative study of several cases in a single population based on own treatment experience and compare the results to the evidence in a written report. The participants own presentations will also be evaluated.
Students from the participating Universities will be asked to provide a fee of 250 Euro. These students will then receive a substantial travel allowance to and from Belgium, complete room and partial board for the entire period of the course. Other students will pay a fee of 1000 Euro. This fee includes insurance, registration as a guest student in Leuven, room for the entire period, lunch and field trip fees.
Participating Universities & contact persons
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
Prof D. Daly (dan.daly@faber.kuleuven.be)
Johan Lambeck (lambeck.hydro@freeler.nl)
LithuanianAcademy of Physical Education, Lithuania
Grazina Krutulyte (g.krutulyte @lkka.it)
University of Szeged, Hungary
Maria Barnai (barnaim@efk.u-szeged.hu)
University of Jyväskyla, Finland
Prof Esko Malkia (esko.malkia@sport.jyu.fi)
University of Edinburgh, Scotland
Prof Ross Sanders ( r.sanders@ed.ac.uk)
University of Maastricht, Nederland
Prof Rob deBie (RA.deBie@epid.unimaas.nl)
Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany
Andreas Hahn (andreas.hahn@sport.uni-halle.de)
Jeanette Hahn
In Collaboration with Switzerlan
Klinik Valens, d: Urs Gamper,
Jan Kools
More information can be obtained from the local contact person or the coordinator: Prof. Daniel Daly;K.U.Leuven,Belgium (dan.daly@faber.kuleuven.be)
Start: 2007.07.01.
End: 2007.07.04.
Venue: Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Belgium
V. Hungarian-Turkish Balneological SymposiumORGANISERS:
Hungarian Balneological Society
Turkish Society of Spa Medicine and Balneology
Organising Committee
Tamás Bender (President of the Hungarian Balneological Society, Budapest)
Pál Géher (Director of Rheumatology and Physiotherapy Department of Semmelweis University, Budapest)
Alice Sipos (Head of the International Society of Medical Hydrology and Climatology Office, Budapest)
M. Zeki Karagülle (President of the Turkish Society of Spa Medicine and Balneology, Istanbul)
Mine Karagülle (Department of Medical Ecology & Hydroclimatology, Istanbul Medical Faculty, Istanbul University, Istanbul)
7 June 2007, Thursday:
15.45 Arrival to Budapest Airport (TK 1437)
16.30 Transfer to Héviz,
19.00 Check- in to the hotel
20.00 Dinner in the Restaurant
June 2007, Friday
7.00 – 10.00 Breakfast
10.00 – 13.00 Scientific Programme
10.00 – 10.15 Opening ceremony
10.15 – 11.25 Session I
Chairmen: Tamás Bender, M. Zeki Karagülle
10.15 – 10.30
Karagülle MZ, Nagy G, Barut Y, Barna I, Karagülle M, Bender T:
Classical Hamam (Turkish bath) session is healthy; a study on physiological effects of a single Hamam use
10.35 – 10.50
Bender Tamás, Oláh Mihály, Molnár Levente, Dobai József, Oláh Csaba, Fehér Judit:
Under water traction (weightbath therapy) A controlled pilot-follow up study
10.50 – 11.05
Gürdal H:
Studies on the effects of spa therapy on endocrine functions
11.10 – 11.25
Géher Pál:
Patients Satifaction with spa facilites -survey
11.25 – 11.45 Break
11.45 – 13.00 Session II.
Chairman: Géher Pál, Arif Dönmez
11.45 – 12.00
Özçelik S, Akyol M, Cayýr H:
Assessment of depression and anxiety in psoriatic patients treated in Kangal Spa
12.05 – 12.20
Kulisch Ágota, Szekeres László, Németh András:
The therapeutic effects of Celldömölk thermal water in low back pain (LBP).
12.25 – 12.40
Kýlýçođlu Ö, Dönmez A, Temelli Y, Karagülle MZ:
Effects of balneotherapy on temporospatial characteristics of knee osteoarthritis patients
12.45 – 13.00
Opra Barna, Horváth Marianna, Tárczy Miklós:
Spas and medicinal waters of county Vas, Hungary
13.00 Lunch
Free Programme
17.00 Departure to the wine tasting in the Eszterházy Cellar
18.00 – 23.00 Hungarian Evening with music and dance
9 June 2007, Saturday
7.00 – 10.00 Breakfast
10.00 – 13.00 Free Programme
13.00 Lunch
14.00 Departure to the ship excursion on the Lake Balaton (sightseeing in Keszhely: Festetics Castle, Marcipan Museum, Puppet Museum, Panoptic etc.).
Dinner in a nearby restaurant
10 June 2007, Sunday
7.00 – 10.00 Breakfast
11.00 Transfer to Budapest
14.00 Check- in to the hotel Margaret Island, Budapest
The first announcement is available in the attached document.
Start: 2007.06.07.
End: 2007.06.10.
Venue: Curehotel Hetesház **** (8380 Hungary, Hévíz, Dr. Schulhof Vilmos sétány 1.)
Attached documents (1)
Aquatic Therapy Modular Course Package in Valens, Switzerland This intensive postgraduate modular aquatic therapy course (106 contact-hours) is unique in the world. Two well known physiotherapists - and guest lecturers - share their knowledge and skills. Five aquatic treatment concepts form the practical implementation of an evidence based approach to therapy. Participants will experience a variety of patients during hands-on therapy in the pool, supervised by the lecturers. Included are a detailed handout , beverages during coffee/tea breaks and access to the pool. Concepts:
- Halliwick: Ten-Point-Program and Water Specific Therapy
- The Bad Ragaz Ring Method + CD of the BRRM
- Passive relaxation techniques including e.g. neurodynamics
- Ai Chi + DVD/CD of Ai Chi/ Ai Chi Ne / Wall Ai Chi
- Aquatic Fitness
Info: Mrs. Gabriela Wyttenbach
Email: info@study-valens.ch
Telephone: +41 81 303 1408, Fax: +41 81 303 1410
Full course information: www.study-valens.ch (click: courses)
Detailed information about contents:
Johan Lambeck.
Email: info@halliwick.net or for a .pdf flyer: www.halliwick at the opening page
For more information please open the attached pdf document.
Start: 2007.05.06.
End: 2007.05.18.
Venue: Valens, Switzerland, Postgraduate Study Centre Valens, Rehabilitation clinic, CH-7317 Valens, affiliated to the Bad Ragaz medical centre
Attached documents (1)
The Place of Balneotherapy in Obesity Management - From prevention to complex treatmentPost-Congress Satellite Meeting of the European Congress on Obesity - ECO2007
Tamás BENDER / Hungarian Society of Balneology
László HALMY / Hungarian Society for the Study of Obesity
Scientific Organising Committee:
László HALMY
Eszter HALMY
Main Topics:
Date & Venue
26-27 April, 2007
Hotel Karos Spa, Zalakaros
Alma u. 1.
8749 Zalakaros, Hungary
Official language: English
Program Schedule:
25 April, 2007 (Wednesday)
17:00 Departure from Budapest
20:30 Welcome Reception
Welcome Address by Tamás Bender, President of the Hungarian Society of Balneology
26 April, 2007 (Thursday)
10:30 Opening
11:00 - 13:00 Plenary Lectures
13:00 - 14:30 Lunch
14:30 - 16:00 Symposium
16:00 - 16:30 Coffee Break
16:30 - 18:00 Free Lectures
20:00 Banquet and wine-tasting
27 April, 2007 (Friday)
10:00 - 11:30 Free Lectures
11:30 - 12:00 Closing
12:00 - 14:00 Lunch
14:30 Departure
Each participant wishing to attend the Symposium should register in advance. For registration:
- please return the Registration Form to the Symposium Secretariat duly filled in with the requested details
- or use the On-line Registration Form through www.asszisztencia.hu
Registration Fees:
Before 15 February, 2007 280 EUR
After 15 February, 2007 320 EUR
Registration Fees include
• attendance at symposium lectures
• final program
• coffee breaks
• lunches
• banquet and wine-tasting
• accommodation for 2 nights (25-27 April)
• Budapest-Zalakaros-Budapest shuttle bus
Symposium Secretariat
Asszisztencia Szervezô Kft
H-1136 Budapest, Hegedűs Gy. u. 20.
Tel: +36 1 350 1854
Fax: +36 1 350 0929
E-mail: ecosat@asszisztencia.hu
About the Venue:
Zalakaros is located in the south-western part of Hungary amongst beautiful and tranquil settings.
The area is surrounded by vineyards and fruit orchards, forests, grooves, gently sloping hills and fishing ponds all creating romantic atmosphere. The diverse region offers several bicycle and trekking routes to those, who would like to have an active holiday.
The tiniest city of Hungary gained fame by chance in 1967, when an oil prospect drilling resulted in a nearly 96şC hot thermal spring coming up from 1000 meter. These circumstances provided the base of the re-introduction of the customs of the ancient Roman bath culture that once flourished in Pannonia. The certified medical water proved very effective in the treatment of chronic arthritis, chronic gynaecological, dental and rheumatic diseases, and prior to and after orthopaedic surgeries, neurosurgeries and operations.
In this small section of the Balaton Region several places of cultural and natural interest can be found within 50 km distance; the Little Balaton Natural Reserve, the archeological findings of Fenékpuszta from the Roman era, the bird ringing station, the buffaloo reserve of Kápolnapuszta, the outdoor village museums of Vörs and Galambok.
Besides the fascinating conditions, the hospitality and politeness of the locals makes your Zalakaros stay perfect.
Hidden in the heart of Zalakaros, surrounded by a ‘Paradise garden’ the Hotel Karos Spa presents 221 room of the distinctive Spa Superior design and various offers to small and big families or individual guests.
All the different services of the Spa Medical and Health Center and the ‘Alma’ Spa-Wellness World – wellness, fitness, medical and Spa services – are available for the guest, who seeks leisure and regeneration.
In the island of perfect relaxation and pampering, at the Hotel Karos Spa everybody – adults and children as well – can forget the troubles and rushes of the world.
The invitation in pdf is available in the attached document.
Start: 2007.04.22.
End: 2007.04.25.
Venue: Hotel Karos Spa, Zalakaros – Hungary
Attached documents (2)
European Meeting on Rehabilitation Medicine in Physical Activities – Sports and SpaIt is with pleasure that we would like to invite you to join us in Bad Hofgastein (Salzburg) for the 1st European Meeting on Rehabilitation Medicine in Physical Activities – Sports and Spa, from March 22–25, 2007.
We have selected the venue, one of Austria’s most popular winter sport and spa resorts, especially in order to combine theory and practice in the breathtaking scenery of the Austrian Alps.
Indeed in addition to the main topics and invited talks by an outstanding international faculty, we will propose hands-on-courses, as well practical applications of the wide range of sports and spa activities Bad Hofgastein is so famous for.
Special emphasis is placed on discussions, both formal and informal during the afternoon breaks. We look forward to receiving abstract submissions in order to facilitate exchange of experiences in the field. We have dedicated a large amount of the programme to submitted papers presenting research activities and will provide a basis for lively discussion both during and outside of the sessions. We cordially invite you to submit your papers until January 15, 2007.
Constant updates will be made on the website www.emrmpa.org, please check regularly for further information.
We look forward to welcoming you in Bad Hofgastein for what we hope will be the first of a series of outstanding meetings in rehabilitation medicine in sports.
With best regards,
Prof. Dr. V. Fialka-Moser & Prof. Dr. M. Quittan
Co-Chairs of the Organising Committee
Start: 2007.03.22.
End: 2007.03.25.
35th World Congress of ISMH, 2006We invite you to Istanbul for the 35th World Congress of International Society of Medical Hydrology and Climatology, which will be held on 7-10 June 2006. Please visit our web-site!
Start: 2006.06.06.
End: 2006.06.10.
Venue: Istanbul, Turkey
The event's web page: http://www.ismh2006.com
Attached documents (1)
Aquatic Therapy Course Package in Switzerland(5 modules together)
Full course information: www.study-valens.ch (click: courses)
Information about Contents:
Johan Lambeck. Email: or for a .pdf flyer: www.halliwick.net at the opening page
Contents/Aim of the course:
This intensive postgraduate modular aquatic therapy course (103 contact-hours) is unique in the world. Two well known physiotherapists - and a guest lecturer - share their knowledge and skills. Five aquatic treatment concepts form the practical implementation of an evidence based approach to therapy. Participants will experience a variety of patients during demonstrations and hands-on therapy in the pool. Included are a detailed handout , beverages during coffee/tea breaks and access to the pool. Concepts:
- Halliwick: Ten-Point-Program and Water Specific Therapy
- The Bad Ragaz Ring Method + CD of BRRM
- Passive relaxation techniques including e.g. neurodynamics
- Ai Chi + DVD/CD of Ai Chi
- Aquatic Fitness
Target group:
The target audience for these modules are physiotherapists with aquatic therapy experience. Other professionals with extensive hands-on patient experience in aquatic therapy may also apply.
Urs Gamper
PT, Head of the Physical Therapy Dept. at the internationally known Rehabilitation Centre in Valens, Switzerland. He has more then twenty years of experience in Aquatic Therapy for adult patients with neurological, orthopaedic or rheumatologic diseases. He is an author of 2 books and a CDRom. Urs is co-founder of the International Bad Ragaz Ring Method Foundation.
Jun Konno
Creator of Ai Chi, is one of Japan's a foremost swimming coaches and fitness consultants and the President of Aqua Dynamics Institute (Japanese chapter of AEA/ATRI). Since 1986, he has worked to promote aquatics in Japan and is Chairman of the Executive Committee for Japan's National Aquatic Conference and Japan Aquatic Therapy Symposium.
Jun will also present an 8 hour Ai Chi workshop at may 27th, which can be attended seperately
Johan Lambeck
PT, owns The Halliwick-Hydrotherapy Institute in Malden NL. From 1979-1998 he was in charge of the Dept. of Aquatic Therapy at the St. Maartenskliniek, Nijmegen NL. He is a Senior Halliwick Lecturer, co-founder of the International Halliwick Foundation and author of 4 books and 20 articles on AT. In 1998 he was named USA Aquatic Therapy Professional of the year. Since 1983 he has taught over 600 Aquatic Therapy seminars in 27 countries throughout the world
Maximum amount of Participants: 18
Tuition:CHF 2310 for the entire package
For more details please open the attached documents!
Start: 2006.05.14.
End: 2006.05.26.
Organizer contact: Mrs. Gabriela Wyttenbach
Phone: +41 81 303 1408
Fax: : +41 81 303 1410
E-mail: info@study-valens.ch
Venue: Postgraduate Study Centre Valens, Rehabilitation clinic, CH-7317 Valens, affiliated to the Bad Ragaz medical centre
The event's web page: http://www.study-valens.ch
Attached documents (2)
IV. Turkish-Hungarian Balneological MeetingThe program of the meeting is available in the attached document.
Start: 2006.01.18.
End: 2006.01.22.
Venue: Balçova, Turkey
Attached documents (1)
Course of the ISMH on Balneotherapy A five-day course dedicated to postgraduate and continuous medical education.
The programme covers most of the relevant topics in Balneotherapy, thus being of particular interest to the participants
By providing short reviews and well-selected case studies, the ISMH Course helps the participants prepare for their everyday work.
Organised by the
Scientific Organisations:
ISMH (International Society of medical Hydrology) with cooperation of
UEMS-PRM-Section (Section Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine of the European Union of Medical Specialists) and
ESPA (European Spa Association)
Organising secretariat:
C&T Hungary Ltd.
Congress Bureau & Travel Agency
Dani u. 7., H-6722 Szeged, Hungary
P.O.Box: 898, H-6701 Szeged, Hungary
Phone/Fax: +36-62-548-485
E-mail: congress@congresstravel.hu
Web-site: www.congresstravel.hu
Szeged, Hungary
Hotel Royal
6720 Szeged, Kölcsey F. str 1-3. Hungary
General information, programme, registration form are available in the attached documents!
Start: 2005.11.14.
End: 2005.11.18.
Attached documents (2)
17th International Congress of Biometeorologywww.icb2005.de
Start: 2005.09.05.
End: 2005.09.09.
Avant-garde Spa Culture Seminar & The Eco-Social Dreaming Matrix & Liquid Sound ExperienceTHE AVANT-GARDE SPA CULTURE SEMINAR and LIQUID SOUND EXPERIENCE, including "The Eco-Social Dreaming Matrix" is an innovative approach that is ancient as well as avant-garde, re-creative as well as restorative, in-depth and near the center of the emerging interdisciplinary and integrated field of medical spa wellness.
Spa Cultures around the World are in the midst of facilitating a deep ecological evolution and conscious natural shift within health care education and global medicine.
THE AVANT-GARDE SPA CULTURE SEMINAR and LIQUID SOUND EXPERIENCE is one of these experimental occasions and experiential events that offer a personal opportunity to explore through science and art a conscious participation into the Wholeness of Nature.
The seven day/six night workshop costs $750 US-Dollar per participant. 50% advance payment is due upon registration/reservation.
For further information about the Seminar please open the attached document.
Start: 2005.07.10.
End: 2005.07.17.
Venue: Hotel an der Therme, Bad Sulza, Germany
The event's web page: http://www.hotel-an-der-therme.de/englisch/dreamswse.htm
Attached documents (1)
Aquatic Therapy Course Package in SwitzerlandFull course information: www.study-valens.ch (click: courses)
Information about Contents Johan Lambeck. Email: info@halliwick.net or for a .pdf flyer: www.halliwick.net at the opening page Contents/Aim of the course.
This intensive postgraduate modular aquatic therapy course (99 contact-hours) is unique in the world. Two well known physiotherapists - and a guest lecturer - share their knowledge and skills. Five aquatic treatment concepts form the practical implementation of an evidence based approach to therapy. Participants will experience a variety of patients during demonstrations and hands-on therapy in the pool. Included are a detailed handout + CDrom BRRM, beverages during coffee/tea breaks and access to the pool.
Programme is available in the attached document.
Start: 2005.05.23.
End: 2005.06.03.
Organizer contact: Mrs. Gabriela Wyttenbach
Workplace address: Full course information: www.study-valens.ch (click: courses)
Information about Contents Johan Lambeck.
Email: info@halliwick.net or for a .pdf flyer:
Phone: +41 81 303 1408
Fax: +41 81 303 1410
E-mail: info@study-valens.ch
Venue: Postgraduate Study Centre Valens, Rehabilitation clinic, CH-7317 Valens, affiliated to the Bad Ragaz medical centre.
Attached documents (1)
2nd State of the Art in Chronic Low Back Pain SymposiumYou can find further information by visiting the web site.
Start: 2005.05.10.
End: 2005.05.13.
Venue: Bodrum, Turkey
The event's web page: http://www.vitalmedbodrum.com/English/course1.htm
Workshop Ai Chi by Jun Konno Website: www.study-valens.ch (also for information about the Aquatic Therapy Course Package, May 23 – June 3, 2005.)
Supplementary information:
- The workshop will be given in English with additional translation in German
- Participants shall receive a certification as Ai Chi instructor
- A lunch and beverages are included
Programme is available in the attached document.
Időpont: 2005.05.04.
Organizer contact: Mrs. Gabriela Wyttenbach
Workplace name: Postgraduate Study Centre Valens, Rehabilitation Clinic
Workplace address: CH-7317 Valens, affiliated to the Bad Ragaz Medical Centre
Phone: +41 81 303 1408
Fax: +41 81 303 1410
E-mail: info@study-valens.ch
Attached documents (1)
International Balneology Conference The programme is available in the attached document.
Start: 2005.04.01.
End: 2005.04.02.
Venue: Szeged, Hungary
Attached documents (2)
7th International Turkish-German Rheumatology and Rehabilitation DaysFor further information refer to web site above.
Start: 2005.03.30.
End: 2005.04.02.
Venue: Antalya, Turkey
The event's web page: http://www.rheumantalya.org/
14th European Congress of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine Advances in PMR -Traditional and Modern Concepts
Official web-site: www.ecprm2004.org
Start: 2004.05.12.
End: 2004.05.15.
Venue: Austria Center Vienna
Workshop Ai Chi by Jun KonnoFirst time in continental Europe!
Ai Chi, a combination of T’ai Chi, Shiatsu and Watsu, is an excellent continuation of the Halliwick balance activities. In general it is done in groups, using music to enhance relaxation in combination with breath control and balance. It is another way to work with groups of patients, which is recognized not only in Japan but also in e.g. the USA and Brazil. For the first time in continental Europe, Mr. Konno will teach an Ai Chi workshop.
This workshop will provide in-depth instruction in the use of Ai-Chi techniques in a clinical setting for orthopedic, neurological and rheumatic impairments. The emphasis will be on extensive instruction and practice time in the pool.
At the completion of this module participants will be able to:
- Understand the physiological immersion effects on relaxation and their therapeutic applications
- Ai Chi techniques in a clinical setting for patients with orthopedic, neurological and/or rheumatic impairments
- Follow the simple Ai Chi progression, the Wall Ai Chi, Ai Chi Ne and be introduced to the concepts of moving with nature.
- Experience the trunk stability movements with guidelines on proper pelvic mechanics during Ai Chi
Jun Konno Creator of Ai Chi, is one of Japan's a foremost swimming coaches and fitness consultants and the President of Aqua Dynamics Institute (Japanese chapter of AEA/ATRI). Since 1986, he has worked to promote aquatics in Japan and is Chairman of the Executive Committee for Japan's National Aquatic Conference and Japan Aquatic Therapy Symposium.
09.00 – 10.00 Theory
10.00 – 10.30 Break
10.30 – 12.30 Demonstration by Jun Konno
Basic Ai Chi
12.30 – 13.30 Break
13.30 – 14.30 Ai Chi Ne
14.30 – 15.00 Demonstration with patients
15.00 – 15.30 Break
15.30 – 17.30 Wall Ai Chi and Slow Expression
Tuition: CHF 230
Information and subscription:
Postgraduate Study Centre Valens, Rehabilitation Clinic, CH-7317 Valens, affiliated to the Bad Ragaz Medical Centre. Information: Mrs. Gabriela Dürig.
Email: info@study-valens.ch
Telephone: +41 81 303 1408
Fax: +41 81 303 1410
Website: www.study-valens.ch (also for information about the Aquatic Therapy Course Package, April 27 – May 7, 2004.)
Supplementary information:
- The workshop will be given in English with additional translation in German
- Participants shall receive a certification as Ai Chi instructor
- A lunch and beverages are included
Időpont: 2004.05.08.
Venue: Rehabilitation Clinic Valens (Bad Ragaz), Switzerland
Congress in Natural MedicineOfficial web-site: www.personal.able.es/psaz/mary
Start: 2004.05.07.
End: 2004.05.09.
Venue: Zaragoza, Spain
AIMS IV - Veranstaltung der Vereinigung für Bäder- und Klimakunde zwischen 3. Europäischem und 100. Deutschen Bädertag AIMS* IV: „Ad Fontes Aquae“
Veranstaltung der Vereienigung für Bäder- und Klimaheilkunde e.V
(* AquaEvidence In Medicine&SportScience)
Zeit: Freitag, 23. April 2004 14.00 - 18.00
Ab 13.30: Eintreffen, Registrierung, Ausstellungs- und Posterbesuch
14.00 Einführung: Hartmann
Grussworte (angefragt): Lang, Forcher, Weiblen, Fleischer
Moderation: Kleinschmidt, Strass,
14.30 Hartmann: AIMS in Motion: Aqua Ist Medizinische Stimulation und Regeneration = Physiologie und Pathophysiologie der Aqua-Therapie
14.50 Kreck: Medikomechanische Therapie: Medizinhistorie und Sozialmedizin
15.20 Reischle :Qualität und Zertifizierung der AquaTrainerInnen- Ausbildung
15. 45- 16.15 Pause
Moderation: Reischle, Skorzak
16.15 Fenzl, Schnizer, Knüsel: AquaErgometrie bei differenter Wassertemperatur
16.25 Strass, Hahn: Curiculla der Ausbildung zum Aquatrainer für Fitness und Gesundheit
17.00 Conradi: Sauna und Aqua-Intervention -ARBEITSTITEL
17.20 Weilandt: Attraktivierung und Innovation der Sportbäder
17.40 Skorzak: Attraktivierung der Gesundheits- und Therapiebäder
17.55 Hartmann: Erreichte Ziele und Zukunft von AIMS
18.00 Hercher, Teichmann: Fuss-Exkursion: Ad Fontes Aquae
(zu den Quellen)
Poster-Präsentation: geplant
zur Diskussion: PD Dalichau, Frau Dr. Wittmann, DSHS
Időpont: 2004.04.23.
Scientific information: Frau Brigitte Lorenz
E-mail: brigitte.lorenz@fsb-fr.de
Venue: Renaissancesaal Friedrichsbad, Baden-Baden
38th Conference of the Société Internationale des Techniques Hydrothermales (SITH)Web: www.sith2003.org
Secretary: Beppu Geaothermal Research Laboratory Kyoto University
Noguchibaru, Beppu 874 0903, Japan
Co-convened by
The Japan Branch of SITH
The Balneological Society of Japan
Start: 2003.09.25.
End: 2003.10.01.
Phone: +81 977 22 0713
Fax: +81 977 22 0965
E-mail: yusa@bep.vgs.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Venue: B-Con Plaza, Beppu, Japan
Aquatic Therapy Course Package in SwitzerlandContents/aim of the course:
This intensive postgraduate modular aquatic therapy course (88 contact-hours) is unique in the world. Two well known physiotherapists - and a guest lecturer - share their knowledge and skills. Four aquatic treatment concepts form the practical implementation of an evidence based approach to therapy. Participants will experience a variety of patients during demonstrations and hands-on therapy in the pool. Included are a detailed handout + CDrom BRRM, beverages during coffee/tea breaks and access to the pool.
Website: www.studuy-valens.ch
Start: 2003.07.31.
End: 2003.08.02.
Scientific information: Mrs. Gabriela Dürig
Phone: +41 81 303 1408
Fax: +41 81 303 1410
E-mail: info@study-valens.ch
Venue: Postgraduate Study Centre Valens, Rehabilitation clinic, CH-7317 Valens, affiliated to the Bad Ragaz medical centre.