IV. International Meeting on Water and Thermalism (15-18.10.2009, Ourense, Espana) - 2009.10.12.
5th Conference of Vincencz Priessnitze (1–4.10.2009) - 2009.10.01.
ESPA (European Spas Association) Report, 02 - 2009 - 2009.09.24.
BISA International Conference in 2010 - Newsletter, summer-autumn 2009 - 2009.09.18.
37th Congress of ISMH (Paris, France - June 23-26 2010) - 2009.08.27.
10th Aquatic Therapy Modular Course Package in Valens, Switzerland - 2009.08.05.
II Serbian Hungarian Balneology Conference - 2009.07.06.
GLOBAL SPA SUMMIT 2009 - 3rd Annual Meeting - 2009.04.27.
VII. Hungarian - Turkish Balneological Workshop - 2009.04.21.
14th Annual ESPA Congress, May 12th – 16th, 2009 - 2009.02.19.
Aquatic Therapy Modular Course Package in Valens, Switzerland (May, 2009) - 2009.01.04.
Spa Treatments and National Health Systems. A Comparative Study of the Legal Systems in the EU - 2005.10.20.
The Statement of the Polish Balneological Congress, held in Krynica 1-3, September, 2005. - 2005.10.20.
Aquatic Therapy Course Package in Switzerland in 2006 - 2005.07.31.
Course of the ISMH on Balneotherapy (Szeged, Hungary, November 14 - 18, 2005) - 2005.05.11.
PubMed Database on the web-site of ISMH - 2005.05.10.
Presentations of the International Balneology Conference (1-2 April 2005 Szeged, Hungary) - 2005.04.13.
Historical Consensus Statement concerning on Balneology and Health Resort Medicine in Szeged (Hungary) - 2005.04.11.
Circulaire de la Société Française de Thermalisme et de Thalassothérapie pour la Santé Bucco-Dentaire - 2005.03.29.
Avant-garde Spa Culture Seminar & The Eco-Social Dreaming Matrix & Liquid Sound Experience - 2005.03.10.
The Contradictions of Specialization: Rheumatism and the Decline of the Spa in Inter-War Britain - 2005.03.07.
International Balneology Conference - 2005, Szeged, Hungary - 2005.02.24.
UEMS Statement: Balneology - Implications for Professional Practice - 2005.02.24.
Revised Statute of ISMH - 2005.01.27.
OMTh and SITh Newsletter (December, 2004) - 2005.01.03.